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Sophos Central - uninstallation instructions for macOS

Starting July of 2021, IS&T has migrated to a new version of Sophos called Sophos Central. MIT users have until the summer of 2022 before the old version will stop receiving updates. This page references the new version of Sophos. You can see documentation for legacy Sophos [here] and download the newest version of Sophos here.

If you are having issues with your installation of Sophos Central, you can first try reinstalling by following the instructions at Sophos Central - Installation instructions for macOS.

If you need to uninstall Sophos Central, follow these steps:

  1. In the Finder, under the Go menu, select Applications
  2. Scroll down and open the Sophos folder.
  3. Double-click on Remove Sophos
  4. Follow the prompts and authenticate with a local admin password.

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Last Modified:

January 19, 2024

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