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Microsoft 365 Post-Migration - Apple Mail

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Reconnecting Your Mailbox

Machines running macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or below do not have the ability to get Mail in Apple Mail or Outlook after your account is migrated to M365 - machines must be running macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or higher in order to use Apple Mail or Outlook after your account is migrated to M365

Upon launching Apple Mail for the first time after your account has been migrated, your Exchange 13 On-Premises mailbox will attempt to reconnect indefinitely. In order to connect to the mailbox's new location in the M365 cloud environment, the account will need to be removed and re-added.


Removing and re-adding your MIT account within Apple Mail will delete any locally archived mail associated with that account. We recommend backing up any locally archived mail in an offline mailbox.

Backing up MIT mail in Apple Mail

Resource Calendars

If you make changes to resource calendars still present in your iCal client that were not migrated alongside your mailbox, you will receive the following notification.

In order to remediate this issue, we recommend you:

  1. Open Calendar (iCal) on your computer.
  2. Open Calendar > Preferences in the top left menu.
  3. Select Accounts.
  4. Select your MIT Exchange account and choose Delegation.
  5. Select the delegate set for your account and click the - sign in the bottom left underneath "Accounts I can access:"
  6. Re-add the resource by following the [instructions listed in this article]
Note that your account and the resource both need to be on the same server; otherwise you will not be able to manage permissions or modify, edit, and delete entries on the resource. You will however, be able to see the times the resource is free and busy.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

May 17, 2024

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