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MIT Dropbox Enterprise - DfB - Initial Set Up

Initial Set Up & Configuration

If you're new to using Dropbox:

  1. You can request an MIT Dropbox account invite by going to (Detailed instructions are available.)
  2. You will receive an email invitation to MIT’s Dropbox Enterprise "team" with a link to where you can sign up using your email address.

If you have an existing Dropbox Personal Account:

  1. Invite the MIT account to join the Dropbox Enterprise team. (Detailed instructions are available.)
  2. Accept the invitation and complete the sign up process. In the process, you'll attach your MIT email address to the MIT Dropbox account. Detailed instructions to complete this step are available directly from Dropbox.
    Please note: You'll be given the option of migrating all of your existing data to your new MIT team account or leaving it your existing personal account in the setup process. If you have lots of shared folders that you want in your MIT Dropbox account, you should consider allowing Dropbox to migrate everything to your MIT account during the set up process. Any shared folders will continue to work after the migration. However, if you manually move those shared folders from one account to another after the migration, the shared links will break and you will have to share those folders again.
  3. Link your MIT and personal Dropbox accounts on one computer.
    1. First, you'll need to make sure you've linked your accounts. (
    2. Next, you can connect the accounts on your computer (or other devices). Detailed instructions are available.
  4. You can now moves files between accounts as needed by dragging and dropping between folders. If you need help, check out the Dropbox support article, How do I sign in to my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox on my devices?. Moving shared folders and files manually between accounts will break any sharing privileges you have given to others. You will need to share those files again after completing the move between accounts.

Please Note:

  • All links & permissions from the personal account will remain as they were set up.
  • If your personal account already uses your address, you will have the option of migrating these files to a new personal account using a different email address (, for example), or migrating these files to your MIT Dropbox account.
  • If you were using your MIT email as your personal account, you should inform non-work collaborators of your new address, as anything shared in the future with your MIT email will end up in your MIT Dropbox.
  • Dropbox is also available for your iPad, iPhone, & Android devices. The sign in and connect process for these devices is similar to the web version, and the file and folder views will also be the same.
  • For more FAQs about Dropbox, please see Dropbox Landing Page

Using MIT Dropbox

  1. Once you are logged in via Dropbox's website, you will see your folders & files.
    Sample Dropbox Dashboard
  2. To share a file or folder, scroll over the file or folder, and a Share option will appear. Select Share.
  3. A new window will appear. Type in the name(s) of the people you want to share the file or folder with.
  4. To specify permissions for a file or folder, click on Share and adjust the setting next to a person's name. This is also where you can create a sharable link for other users.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 05, 2024

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