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Q: MECM - SCCM - Upgrading the CrashPlan (formerly Code42) Client

CrashPlan and Code42 are the same application/service. Crashplan was renamed Code42 after it was sold, then renamed again back to CrashPlan after it was sold again. Which name you see in the product, filenames, or paths depends on what version you are using. For the purposes of this documentation, the names are used interchangeably and refer to the same product.

The new vendor website for Crashplan is:


  1. Create a device collection that you want to target. When you create your collection, you can use the query called "Code42 (x64)" to target computers with Code42.
  2. Navigate to Software Library->Application Management->Applications->MIT Applications and then select Code42 VersionNumber. Then right-click and choose to deploy to your collection.

  3. Make your deployment as "Required" to force the installation on the target machine or make as "Available" to allow the end user to upgrade via the Software Center. This software may already be available in the Software Center as part of the standard set of applications made available to computers in SCCM.

  4. To confirm backups are still working please review these steps at after upgrade.

Find more information about Code42 Backups via MECM / SCCM

If you'd like to find more information about your Code42 backups via SCCM, you can run a query called Code42 Info (x64) located under Monitoring->Queries->MIT Queries->Code42 (x86) or (x64). This query provides information on the last backup time and is an easy way to verify if your computers are backing up.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

January 23, 2023

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