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MECM - SCCM - Reports

MECM comes with many different built-in reports that allow you to gather a wide range of data about your client machines. To access these reports, you can log into the MECM console or run them from a web browser.

Reporting from the MECM Console

  1. Open up the MECM Console and click Monitoring > Reporting > Reports.

  2. Right click the report that you would like to run and select Run. Some reports will run automatically, while others will require you to type in a value or select a value from a list.

Creating a E-Mailed Report Subscription

You can create an e-mail subscription for any report in MECM. This is useful for sending data to users that may not log into the MECM console on a regular basis.

  1. Right-click the report you would like to subscribe to and select Create Subscription
  2. Fill out the target email address, subject, and report format for your subscription. Note that the MIT SMTP server is already defined in MECM.
  3. Setup your desired schedule: daily, weekly, or monthly.
  4. Select the parameters appropriate for you reports (this varies depending on the report)
  5. Then click Next> and then Close.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 08, 2022

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