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MECM - SCCM - Deploying the Client

The MECM client can be deployed by two different methods:

Machines must be joined to the Win domain before installing MECM.

Push the Client Via GPO to all Machines in an OU

  1. Edit the GPO for the particular OU that you would like to push the MECM client to.
  2. Look under Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Classic Administrative Templates > Win.Mit.Edu Settings > Client-Management. Enable this setting to push the client to all machines in the OU. Please note that the machine will need to restart in order to receive the MECM client. Installation occurs via a startup script.

Install the Client Manually

The client can be installed manually for individual test computers, however we recommend using the GPO method above. The computer must be joined to the domain in order for the MECM client to function properly.

  1. Copy the installer files from \\\dfs\msi\SCCM-client.
  2. Run ccmsetup.exe. Because the client computer is joined to the domain, the correct settings for for the MECM Site Server will be pulled from the domain. The site code for the MECM Server is WIN.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 08, 2022

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