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M365 Post-Migration - Thunderbird

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Microsoft 365, and other modern mail providers such as Gmail, are moving towards using authentication methods that support two-factor authentication. Generally this means using OAUTH2.

MIT's Office365 implementation supports OAUTH2 authentication for IMAP, but we do not support this for SMTP. All SMTP is handled via as normal.

Thankfully Thunderbird added support for OAUTH2 in v. 77 (or v. 78 ESR).

Reconnecting your Mailbox

  1. Import Your personal MIT certificate
    1. Go to Preferences > Privacy & Security > Certificates > Manage Certificates...
    2. Select Your Certificates > Import ...
    3. add $USER-cert.p12 and click enter
    4. Enter your certificate password and click OK

  2. Update your mailbox settings
    1. Go to Account Settings > Server Settings > Security Settings and update the following fields.
  • Server Name:
  • Username: $
  • Authentication Method > OAuth2
    1. Click Done
  1. Click Get Messages
    Result: You will be prompted to authenticate.
  2. Choose your just imported MIT certificate and authenticate with Duo as usual.
    Result: You will be able to send and receive mail again.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 09, 2024

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