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Learning Spaces

Technology-enabled places to teach and learn

Experimental Learning Spaces

ODL maintains three physical Experimental Learning Environments (ELE). These spaces are intended as incubators for testing new or different technologically enhanced pedagogical paradigms. We host a suite of technologies, applications and tools in these physical spaces.
ODL Experimental Learning Spaces

Lecture halls

Classrooms with individual workstations for each student plus an instructor's workstation which can be projected to the class can be scheduled.
Registrar Schedules Office
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Electronic classrooms

Classrooms with individual workstations for each student plus an instructor's workstation which can be projected to the class can be scheduled.
Registrar Schedules Office
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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Lab

The MIT GIS lab, located in Rotch Library, 7-238, provides hardware, software, and a collaborative environment for working with geospatial information.
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Digital Instruction Resource Center

The Digital Instruction Resource Center (DIRC) is a hands-on computer classroom supported by the MIT Libraries.

Visualization Classroom/ Cluster

The Windows Cluster in W31-301 is a specialized cluster which contains twenty-five high-performance iMac dual-boot workstations running WinAthena. It is also equipped for visualization and engineering graphics work. It is a specialized cluster which contains twenty-five high-performance iMac dual-boot workstations running WinAthena and MacAthena, with common visualization and engineering software installed.

OEIT Learning Environments

Audio visual classroom support

MIT AV maintains and services all installed Presentation Technology Systems in classrooms maintained by the schedules office.
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IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 23, 2021

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