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Installing VMware Fusion Pro and Upgrading Virtual Machines

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  • Administrator account access


Quit VMware Fusion if it is currently open on your machine.

  1. Download VMware Fusion Pro from IS&T's downloads website (certificates required) and please note the license key on that page, since you will need it once you launch VMware Fusion for the first time.
    1. Versions not listed on the IS&T Fusion page are available through the links below.
  2. Locate and open the downloaded file named "VMware-Fusion-x.x.x-xxxx.dmg".

  3. A disk image named "VMware Fusion" should now be mounted in OS X. Double-click on the VMware Fusion icon to begin the installation process.
    Disk image
    Note: If you are prompted with a message asking if you are sure you want to open the application, click Open.

  4. Enter your administrator username and password if prompted, and click OK.

    Result: VMware Fusion Pro will be copied to the Applications folder.

    Copy progress bar

  5. VMware Fusion Pro is now installed and can be found in the Applications folder. Double-click the application icon for VMware Fusion.
    "Applications folder

  6. Once VMware Fusion launches, you will be prompted to accept the application's Software License Agreement. Click Agree.

  7. You will be prompted to input the IS&T-provided license key, as noted in step 1. Type in the license key and click OK.

Upgrading Virtual Machines

Virtual machines will be prompted to upgrade to the most recent Fusion compatible hardware version on startup. Select upgrade to begin the upgrade, you may notice the Virtual Machine upgrading VMWare Tools once it boots to the desktop. Note that you will not be able to run this virtual machine in an previous version of VMware Fusion with this change enabled.

Boot up your VM and log back into your user account. You have now successfully updated your virtual machine.

Download links for versions not supported

Fusion 10 (MIT certificate required)

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

February 08, 2019

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