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Install and Connect to the Prisma Access VPN on iOS


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  1. Install the GlobalProtect app from the Apple Store.

    Result: The GlobalProtect App is installed. Continue below to set it up and connect.


  1. Open your GlobalProtect app.
    Result: The first time the app opens it will ask you about notifications. Select whichever you prefer.

    Click on the thumbnails to open the full images.
  2. Enter the address:
  3. Click Connect.
    Result: You will be asked if you would like to add a VPN configuration to your device.
  4. Click Allow.
    Result: You may be asked to enter your device PIN or to authenticate to it with another method (touch ID, face recognition).
  5. Authenticate.
    Result: The VPN is configured and attempts to connect. You will be prompted to authenticate via Touchstone Authentication.
  6. Authenticate using Touchstone Authentication.
    Result: You're connected to MIT GlobalProtect VPN service and may go about your computing activities normally.

After the first time you connect, simply open the app and tap the Shield to connect. You may be prompted to authenticate again depending on how long it has been since your last connection.


  1. Open the GlobalProtect app.
  2. Click the shield to disconnect.

    Result: You have been disconnected from the MIT GlobalProtect VPN service.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 15, 2023

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