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Install Pharos as LPR printer on Windows

Do not use MIT GUEST
You cannot use the MIT GUEST wireless network to print to the Pharos printers. If your computer is connected via Wi-Fi, you must be connected to the MIT SECURE wireless network.


These instructions will step you through setting up an LPR printer on your Windows computer. The instructions are for Windows 7, but will give equivalent commands for Windows XP in the footnote. Once set up, this will allow you to print to the Athena Pharos hold and release pilot.

Please check the pre-requisites carefully:

  • Your username on your Windows computer must match your MIT Kerberos account username (in all lower case).
  • This is purely for advanced users only, changing your username may cause system wide issues if done incorrectly.


Verify that your Windows installation is set up for LPR printing.

  1. Click on the Windows button and select Control Panel from the Windows Menu.
    Note: For Windows 10 click the Search Windows icon, type control panel, click Search my stuff then select Control Panel from the list.
  2. Click on Programs to open the Programs section.
  3. Click on Turn Windows features on or off in the "Programs and Features" section.
  4. In the Windows Features dialog, find the item "Print and Document Services" and click the + icon to expand it.
  5. Check the box next to LPR Port Monitor if it is not already checked and click OK; wait for Windows to finish making any changes and close the Control Panel windows.

Download the printer driver

  1. Download and install the HP printer driver from
    1. In the "Locate your product" box, enter: laserjet 9050dn and click Next.
    2. Click on Software & Downloads.
    3. Select your operating system from the menu (make sure to pick either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on your system) and click Next.
    4. One of the results should be called Driver - Universal Print Driver. Click on that line to expand it.
    5. Click on HP Universal Print Driver for Windows PostScript (or ...X64 if you chose a 64-bit driver).
    6. Click the Download button to download the driver installer to your computer.

Install the printer driver and set up the monochrome print queue

  1. Run the installer you downloaded in the previous section and follow the instructions.
  2. When asked for "Installation Mode", select Traditional Mode.
  3. After this step the Windows Add a printer wizard will open automatically; select Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings.
  4. Select Create a new port and choose LPR port as the type of port; click Next.
  5. Fill out the Add LPR compatible printer dialog as follows:
    • Name or address of server providing lpd:
    • Name of printer or print queue on that server: bw
    • Click OK.
  6. In the "Install the printer driver" dialog, select HP Universal Printing PS (or HP Universal Printing PS (v5.2)) and click Next.
  7. Set "Printer name" to MIT B&W Pharos Printers or something similar and click Next.
  8. Printer installation will run for a few minutes followed by the Printer sharing dialog box.
    IMPORTANT: Select Do not share this printer and click Next.
  9. Click Finish to complete the process and click Finish again to exit the HP installer.
    That's it. You should now see a new printer called MIT B&W Pharos Printers in your list of printers.

One last reminder as this is very important: This method only works if your Windows username exactly matches your MIT Kerberos username. Otherwise you will be able to send jobs to the Pharos printers, but not release them!

Optional steps to turn on DUPLEX (double-sided) printing.

These steps will change your default when printing to Pharos. You can also select double-sided on a per job basis using the Preferences button in the Windows print dialog box.

  1. In your "Devices and printers" control panel right-click on the new MIT B&W Pharos Printers printer.
  2. From the context menu that appears, select Printing preferences.
  3. Switch to the Finishing tab and select the checkbox next to Print on both sides
  4. Click OK.

Color Printing

By following the instructions above, you have configured the monochrome Pharos queue. There is also a separate color queue, for use with the release stations on the color printers around campus.

  1. Open the Control Panel, and choose the "Printers" component. Click "Add a printer" to launch the Windows Add a printer wizard.
  2. Select Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings.
  3. Select Create a new port and choose LPR port as the type of port; click Next.
  4. Fill out the Add LPR compatible printer dialog as follows:
    • Name or address of server providing lpd:
    • Name of printer or print queue on that server: color
    • Click OK.
  5. In the "Install the printer driver" dialog select HP Universal Printing PS (or HP Universal Printing PS (v5.2)) and click Next.
  6. Set "Printer name" to MIT Color Pharos Printers or something similar and click Next.
  7. Printer installation will run for a few minutes followed by the Printer sharing dialog box.
    IMPORTANT: Select Do not share this printer and click Next.
  8. Click Finish to complete the process.

That's it. You should now see a new printer called MIT Color Pharos Printers in your list of printers.

Enabling LPD and LRP protocol in Windows 10

The printing protocol LPD and LRP protocol are no longer enabled be default in some Windows 10 installs. If this option is missing when trying to add the color port into windows for Pharos, Please try the following:

  1. Click the Windows button, then type “control panel”.
  2. Click Control Panel to open it.
  3. Click “Programs”
  4. Click “Turn Windows Features on or off”
  5. Expand Print and Document Services, make sure LPD Print Service and LPR Port Monitor are both checked. If they are not click both boxes to do so.

You should now see the option to add a LRP/LPD port.

See also

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Last Modified:

October 07, 2020

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  1. Aug 29, 2011

    Why not just add the printers as MS network printers??
    They are shared as \\\bw and \\\color.
    This will install the drivers that are otherwise unreachable in the above links.
    1 step done.

    1. Sep 30, 2011

      Philip's method works quite easily. Be sure to use WIN.MIT.EDU\username as your username when connecting to the above printer addresses.

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