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Install MIT Personal Certificate in Safari

NOTE: These instructions detail only installing a personal certificate manually in Safari. We recommend using CertAid to configure your system. See: CertAid 2.2.6 for MacOS

  1. Navigate, in Safari, to
  2. Enter your credentials and click Next.

  3. On the page Generate a Private Key, leave the Key Size at the highest grade for your browser.
    The Certificate Lifetime gives the default number of days until this personal certificate expires.
    Click Next to accept the defaults.
    Generate a Private Key
  4. You may get an error and be prompted to generate a private key, select a password for it, and download it. If so, follow the instructions provided to do so and install it in your keychain.
  5. Restart Safari.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 05, 2022

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