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I need to reassign ownership of a Qualtrics survey

Ownership of Qualtrics surveys can be reassigned to another user if the owner has left the Institute, or if they need to pass responsibility for a survey on to someone else.

Who can place the request

Whenever possible, the current survey owner should send the request.

If the current survey owner has left the Institute, the request may be placed by someone else. However, since we'll need to verify that it's okay to change ownership, this may take longer to process.

How to request survey reassignment

1) If the new owner does not yet have a Qualtrics account, they should activate their account using the registration portal at:

2) Send email to, including the following information:

  • The name of the current survey owner
  • The current owner's kerberos username
  • The name of the new survey owner
  • The new owner's kerberos username
  • The names of the surveys to be reassigned (or indicate that all surveys owned by that person should be reassigned)
  • The reason for the ownership change (if the request is not being placed by the original owner)

For IS&T Help staff

You can find administrative instructions on how to reassign ownership of a survey at:
[hd:How to reassign ownership of a Qualtrics survey]

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 04, 2020

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