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How to optimize Zoom webinars for people using an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter

Seeing the Interpreter and the Presentation

The individual using an ASL interpreter should “pin” the interpreter.

  1. Both the presenter and interpreter should join the Zoom meeting.
  2. The host should find the ASL interpreter in the gallery of participants, and mouse to the upper right-hand corner of the interpreter’s Zoom square.
  3. Three little dots appear and when you click on those dots you see the option to pin this participant.
    Result: The screen splits between the presentation/speaker and the pinned interpreter.
  4. To adjust the sizing, mouse over to the line where the screen splits and you’ll see a gray line
    that is draggable from side-to-side. When you drag it, it resizes each portion.

Note: participants using the ASL interpreter will then only be able to see the interpreter and the speaker or presented material. They would not be able to see the presenter, presented material and the ASL interpreter at the same time.

Seeing the Presenter, Interpreter, and Presentation

To see the interpreter, the presentation material, and the person presenting, the meeting host can give the individual using an ASL interpreter the ability to pin multiple videos (this is available in the menu available on her video window). Then the individual using an ASL interpreter can select the interpreter and the presenter and pin both of those videos and those would be the only ones that appear on her screen.

It is always optimal for all participants to have the most up-to-date version of Zoom; however, it is imperative for the interpreter and interpreter viewer(s) to have the most recent version of Zoom so they can make use of these features. While these options will work with a laptop screen, a large monitor is optimal.

See Also

  • [archive:Zoom Landing Page - OLD]

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 28, 2024

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