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How to create a map from geolocation data in Zeppelin

In this article, we will show you how to generate maps from geolocation data in Zeppelin notebook. We will be using the Average Daily Traffic Counts 1972 to 2017 dataset from City of Cambridge Open Data project.

  1. Click on API, and copy the CSV URL from the dataset page.

  2. Enter the URL here:
    Screenshot of url space

  3. In the upper right corner click on the login indicator and select Helium.

  4. A list of Helium plug-ins will be displayed. Enable the one called zeppelin-leaflet.

  5. Run the first paragraph of the notebook.

  6. Once the data is loaded, run the second paragraph. Edit the SQL statement according to the column names of the dataset, and make sure to select the longitude and latitude columns in the SQL statement.

  7. Click on the map button, this will open up a map and will show you the column names you have selected. Drag and drop the longitude, latitude, and other corresponding column names in the fields, and the map will be plotted.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 29, 2020

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