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Direct-Dial Tie Lines

You can use these MIT direct-dial numbers to call the institutions listed below.

To call... If extension is known, press... If extension is unknown*, press... Main phone number
Bates Research and Engineering Center five digits 3-9200 617-253-9200
Endicott House five digits 3-5211 617-253-5211
Haystack Observatory five digits 5-5400 617-715-5400
Lincoln Laboratory 181 + four digits 181 + 0000 781-981-5500
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 188 + four digits 188 + 2000 508-548-1400

*Ask the operator for the extension number, then hang up and enter the tie-line number plus the extension

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Telephony at MIT

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 02, 2018

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