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Calendaring - Sharing and Delegating Your Personal Calendar

These instruction do not apply to team/group shared calendars. They are only for your personal MIT calendar.

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Your personal calendars can be shared with other users.

  • Sharing your calendar allows other users to view or "pencil in" events and receive calendar invites and notifications for your calendar. Although calendar sharing gives another user read or write access, ownership of your calendar stays exclusively with you.
  • Delegation allows you to permit other Exchange users to view and send email/calendaring information on your behalf. This allows, for example, an assistant to answer invitations on behalf of a supervisor.

Outlook For Windows

Share your calendar via email

1. Click Calendar.

Calendar icon

2. Click Home > E-mail Calendar.

Email Calendar in Home Tab

3. In the Calendar and Date Range boxes, pick the calendar and time period you want to share. For example, choose Today only or for the Next 7 days.

Send calendar via email dialog box

4. Set any other options you want, then click OK.

5. In the new email that opens, add who you want the message to go to in the To field, add a message if you want, and click Send.

The person you've sent your calendar will see a snapshot of it in the message.

Snapshot of sender's calendar

The message also includes an attached iCalendar (.ics) file that they can open in Outlook or another calendar program. When the recipient clicks the iCalendar file, Outlook displays the file as a new calendar they can view side-by-side with their calendar. They can drag appointments or meetings between the two calendars, and find a time that works for both of you.

Share your Office M365 calendar with people inside your organization

If you have an Office M365 or other Microsoft Exchange-based email account, and you want to share your calendar with someone who is inside you can give them permissions to view your calendar.

Share your calendar with people inside your organization

1. Click Calendar.

Calendar icon

2. Click Home > Share Calendar.

"Share Calendar in Home Tab'

3. In the email that opens, type the name of the person in your organization with whom you want to share your calendar in the To box. In Details, specify the level of details that you want to share with the person in your organization, and then click Send.

Send calendar email dialog box

4. The person in your organization receives the sharing invitation in email, and then clicks Open this calendar.

Received calendar email

The shared calendar displays in the Calendar list.

Share your calendar with people outside your organization

Unfortunately MIT's instance of Exchange does not allow for users to share their calendar with people outside the organization.

Change permissions after you have shared your calendar with other people

You can change calendar sharing permissions.

1.Click Calendar.

Calendar icon

2.Click Home > Calendar Permissions.

Calendar Permissions in Home Tab

3. On the Permissions tab, make any changes to the calendar sharing permissions.

4. Click save your changes.

Outlook For Macintosh

Share your personal calendar in Outlook 2016.

You can share your calendars in Outlook 2016 for Mac with others. Permissions you can set range from co-owner to view-only, and you can take away their permissions to see your calendar at any time.

Important: To share your calendar, both you and the person you want to share it with must both have Microsoft Exchange accounts.

Share a calendar with someone

1. At the bottom of the navigation pane, click Calendar

Calendar option in Navigation pane

2.Select the calendar you want to share

3.On the Organize tab, click Calendar Permission.

"Organize tab

If the Open Shared Calendar or Calendar Permissions buttons are unavailable, you might need to change one of your settings.

 4.  In the Calendar Properties box, click Add User.

"Calendar Properties dialog box

5. In the Search box, type the name of the person with whom you want to share your calendar.

6. When you see their name appear in the list, click it and then click Add.

Calendar recipient search results

Tip: Their name will show up in the Calendar Properties box.

7.  In the Calendar Properties box, click the Permission Level down arrow, and choose the permission level to assign to the person you added. Note that the default Read, Write, Delete, and Other options change based on the permission level you choose.

Permission level dialog box

8. Check the boxes that apply in the Read, Write, Delete, and Other sections, and then click OK.

Permission levels defined

You can grant different permission levels to different individuals. The default is free/busy, which shows only your free/busy status in the scheduling assistant.

In order for Mac users to see your calendar in iCalendar, they'll need to be assigned the Reviewer permission level.

Assigning Reviewer permission level

This table explains the privileges that are associated with each permission level.

Read None Is blocked from reading anything on the shared calendar
  Time, subject, location Can see when you are free and busy but no other details
  Free/Busy time Can see when you are free and busy but no other details
  Full details Can read everything on your calendar
Write Create items Can create meetings and appointments on your calendar
  Create subfolders Can create a folder under the shared calendar. This is a place where you can schedule appointments but not meetings.
  Edit own Edit meetings and appointments they created but not those created by the person sharing the calendar
  Edit all Edit all meetings, appointments, and folder contents regardless of who created them
Delete None Is blocked from deleting anything on the shared calendar
  Own Can delete meetings and appointments they created but not created by the person sharing the calendar
  All Delete all meetings, appointments, and folder contents regardless of who created them
Other Folder visible View the folder (or sub-calendar)
  Folder contact Receive messages about a public show and resolve duplication or overwrite issues.
  Folder owner Add, edit, and remove appointments.

Remove calendar sharing permissions

  1. At the bottom of the navigation pane, click Calendar.
  2. Select the user you want to remove calendaring permissions from.
  3. On the Organize tab, click Calendar Permissions.

"Organize tab

4. In the Calendar Properties box, click Remove, and click OK.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

May 17, 2024

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