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An overview of MATLAB plotting

Following is an overview of plotting facilities in Matlab:

X-Y plots
  plot		Simple x-y plot
  semilogx      Semilog plot, logarithmic x axis
  semilogy	Semilog plot, logarithmic y axis
  loglog	Full log plot, both x and y axis logarithmic

  hist          Histogram plot

R-Theta (polar) plots
  polar         polar plot

3-D plots
  mesh		Surface plot
  contour	Contour plot
  quiver	Vector field plot (matrix of arrows)

X-Y plot with curve fitting
  curvefitp	Plot x,y data points and fit an nth
		  order polynomial through them.  This is a home-grown
		  consultant-written function, not a function supplied
		  by the vendor.
  curvefitnl	Plot x,y data points and fit an arbitrary
		  function to the data.

X-Y splines
  spline	Cubic splines can be used to draw smooth
	 	  curves through data points. 


Each of these has a help blurb which can be seen by typing at the matlab

	>> help plot      % or semilogx, semilogy, etc..

A good way to see how to use each of these plotting routines is to look at
the plotting demo by typing:

	>> demo

and select "Visualization" (under MATLAB)


Example: To plot sin(5*x)*exp(-x^2), for [0<x<10]

	>> x=0:.1:10

	>> y=sin(5*x).*exp(-x.^2)

	>> plot(x,y)

or, to plot with a dashed line,

	>> plot(x,y,'--') 

or, to show only the data points with no lines,

	>> plot(x,y,'*')


Example: To plot sin(x)*cos(y), for [-4<x<4] [-4<y<4]

        >>  [X,Y]=meshgrid(-4:.2:4,-4:.2:4);

	>>  mesh(sin(X).*cos(Y))
	>>  contour(sin(X).*cos(Y))

		     Miscellaneous plotting functions

  bode		Draw a Bode plot given a transfer function.

  step		Plot the step response of a continuous-time linear system.

For other specialized plots and animation functions, consult the
"Using Matlab Graphics" PDF manual, by typing "helpdesk" at the >>

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 04, 2020

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