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Groups, spaces, Moira lists and permissions in the KB

Moira lists are turned off. Groups must be updated in the admin console.

On this page:


  • Who can do what in The Knowledge Base?
  • Who has access to The Knowledge Base?
  • What are the different The Knowledge Base access groups for?
  • What are the permissions for each space, i.e. which groups can access?
  • What are the various groups and knowledge base spaces for?
  • What moira groups are associated with what permissions?


  • The Knowledge Base access control lists and permissions
  • Moira DCM updates to The Knowledge Base groups


The Knowledge Base contains several different Confluence spaces, used for internal utility functions and to group articles for different levels of access and branding. Access to these spaces is controlled by The Knowledge Base groups, most of which are in turn updated from moira lists, usually with the same name. The table below summarizes the current groups in The Knowledge Base, what they are used for, and what moira list controls each group's membership.

Current Groups

Knowledge Base Group Linked Moira Group Group Membership Authorizations for Group Members
confluence-administrators None
  • authorized administrators
  • Administrator access to Confluence
confluence-users None
  • Everybody who has logged in to the KB with MIT credentials
  • User login access to Confluence
  • Can comment on articles
mit-contributors mit-contributors
  • authorized users
  • caproc-contributors
  • helpstaff
  • ist-all
  • ist-contributors
  • ist-cop
  • mit-editors
  • pdr-tech
  • security-research
  • sipb-members
  • sipb-prospectives
  • swr-core
  • tem-help
  • vpf-kb-editors
  • se-editors
  • rg-editors
  • Can create, edit, moderate and delete articles in MIT Contributions space.
ist-contributors ist-contributors
  • allhelp
  • debathena-dev
  • ditr
  • fsx
  • helpstaff
  • ist-all
  • ist-editors
  • itss
  • nist
  • pdr-tech
  • security-research
  • swr-core
  • tem-help
  • Can create, edit, moderate, and delete articles in IS&T Contributions space, IS&T Drafts, and Community spaces
hd-contributors hd-contributors
  • allhelp
  • athena-current
  • ditr
  • fsx
  • helpstaff
  • ist
  • ist-all
  • ist-contributors
  • ist-extstaff
  • ist-lwg
  • itss-staff
  • nist
  • rcc-internal
  • security-research
  • swr-core
  • Can create, edit, moderate, and delete articles in IS&T Internal space
hd-readers hd-readers
  • athena-volunteers
  • ist
  • oeit-all
  • security-research
  • authorized users
  • Can view and comment on articles in the IS&T Internal space
draft-editors draft-editors
  • it-lead
  • se-editors
  • rg-editors
  • caproc-contributors
  • project team members
  • Can create, edit, moderate, and delete articles in draft space
draft-readers draft-readers
  • project team members
  • can view articles in the IST-draft space.
rg-editors rg-editors
  • authorized users
  • Can create, edit, moderate and delete articles in Reference Guide, IS&T Drafts and Community Contributions spaces
rg-readers rg-readers
  • authorized users
  • km-core
  • rg-editors
  • skms-info
  • Can view articles in the Reference Guide space
se-editors se-editors
  • coeus-dev-team
  • hd-business-core
  • hris
  • ist-all
  • vpf-kb-editors
  • Can create, edit, moderate and delete articles in Structured Escalations, IS&T Drafts and MIT Contributions spaces
se-readers se-readers
  • authorized users
  • coeus-mit
  • hr-kb-readers
  • ist-all
  • se-editors
  • servicedesk-all
  • Can view articles in Structured Escalations space
caproc-contributors caproc-contributors
  • authorized users
  • vpf-kb-editors
  • Can create, view, edit and delete articles in Central Admin Procedures, IS&T Drafts and Community Contributions spaces.
caproc-readers caproc-readers
  • authorized users
  • Can view articles in the Central Admin Procedures space.
hermes-contributors hermes-contributors
  • Knowledge Base admins
  • authorized users
  • Can create, view, edit, moderate and delete articles in Handbook space.

Spaces: permissions and purpose

Note: the last 4 spaces listed are used for The Knowledge Base administration (Category, Home, Redirect, Utility)

Knowledge Base Space Spacekey Purpose Confluence Groups
Archive archive Articles that are obsolete
  • hd-contributors
  • hermes-contributors
  • ist-contributors
  • mit-contributors
  • Contributors can create and edit
  • Authenticated users can view
  • Not included in search
Community Contributions mitcontrib Articles for public consumption that may be modified by authorized community authors
  • mit-contributors
  • ist-contributors
  • Contributors and editors can create and edit, and delete
  • Everyone can view
Help Desk Internal hd Internal HD articles.
  • hd-contributors
  • ist-contributors
  • hd-readers
  • Contributors can create edit, and delete
  • Readers can view
  • Not publicly viewable
  • Depending on relevance an article here could be moved to public spaces.
The Knowledge Base Handbook handbook Reference information about servers, setup, configuration, customizations, user guides, etc. that make up The Knowledge Base system.
  • hermes-contributors
  • Contributors can create, edit and delete
  • Authenticated users can view
  • Not yet loaded.  Info to be imported from a space
IS&T Contributions istcontrib Shared content created by IS&T but should not be publicly modified.
  • ist-contributors
  • Contributors can create, edit and delete
  • Everyone can view
  • An article may migrate to Community spaces depending on the nature of the content
IS&T Draft istdraft Work in progress by IS&T, e.g. release teams. Eventually gets moved to IS&T Contributions.
  • ist-contibutors
  • ist-readers
  • draft-readers
  • draft-editors
  • Contributors and Editors can create edit and delete
  • Readers can view
Glossary glossary Glossary of IT Terms
  • hd-contributors
  • ist-contributors
  • mit-contributors
  • All can create, edit and delete glossary entries
Reference Guide rg Structured documentation books/sets
  • rg-editors
  • rg-readers
  • Editors can create, edit and delete
  • Everyone can view
Structured Escalations se Support Troubleshooting and Escalation Procedures
  • se-editors
  • se-readers
  • Editors can create, edit and delete
  • Readers can view
Central Admin Procedures caproc Documentation and information from Central Admin Teams.
  • caproc-contributors
  • caproc-readers
  • Contributors can create, edit and delete
  • Readers can view
Category category Holds category tree pages
  • confluence-administrators
  • ist-contributors
  • Can create, edit and delete articles
  • Everyone can view
Home home Contains the Knowledge Base landing page
  • confluence-administrators
  • Does not contain article content
  • Everyone can view
redirect a utility space to handle migrated data
  • confluence-administrators
  • Houses imported data redirects
  • Everyone can view
util contains system data, such as icons and graphics
  • confluence-administrators
  • Does not contain author contributed content
  • Everyone can view

Deprecated Groups

Knowledge Base Group Linked Moira Group Group Membership Authorizations for Group Members
mit-editors mit-editors
  • mit-editors
  • No longer used, everybody on mit-contributors now.
ist-editors ist-editors
  • ist-editors
  • No longer used, everybody on ist-contributors now
ist-pubs-editors ist-pubs-editors
  • ist-pubs
  • team no longer exists
ist-readers ist-readers
  •  ist
  • no longer relevant as ist has been added to hd-editors
hd-editors hd-editors
  • allhelp
  • athena-current
  • ditr
  • ist-pubs
  • it-security-support
  • rcc-internal
  • no longer used, everybody is on hd-contributors now
hermes-editors hermes-editors
  • Knowledge Base
  • no longer used; everybody on hermes-contributors now
hermes-wizards hermes-wizards
  • allhelp
  • athena-current
  • Knowledge Base
  • rcc-internal
  • Used to be able to see native Confluence controls in The Knowledge Base (via logic in topbar user macro). As of 3.5 upgrade is irrelevant.

The K.B. Handbook

Documentation and information about using The Knowledge Base

Last Modified:

August 22, 2024

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