Personal Information
You can access Atlas at
The Personal Information page lists your official name, as maintained in Human Resources, along with your position title and department at the top of the page. To change your official name, select Request Name Change. To change your position title or department, see your Department Administrator. To change your directory name, which is also printed on your MIT ID, see below.
Select the edit icon to update a component of your Personal Information. You may only edit one component at a time. Updates made to your work address and phone will be reflected in the MIT Directory on the following day.
Note: To protect your personal data, this application includes an additional security check. Please see Personal Information Security for more information.
Home Address
Note: Country, street address, city, state, and zip code are required fields for US addresses.
- Select the Country of Residence.
- Enter the street address in Address line 1. Use Address line 2 for additional address information such as P.O. Box number.
- Enter the city. If the country is not US or Canada, also enter the region (prefecture, territory, etc.)
- Select the state (US) or province (Canada).
- Enter the zip or postal code.
- Enter the home telephone number in the format: 999-999-9999 (for US or Canada; for other countries, any format will be accepted).
Directory Information
Enter your name as you would like it to appear in the MIT Directory and on your MIT ID.
Note: This will not alter your Official Name.
Work Address and Contact Information
Update your MIT Communication Information, Primary Office and Alternate Office information.
Note: Primary and Alternate (if applicable) Office information is published in the online MIT directory. You are required to enter a telephone number, site and building for your Primary Office. Use this screen to enter your MIT e-mail address, pager, mobile telephone number, Fax number and Personal Home Page. You do not have to enter all fields.
- Enter your office telephone number in the format: 999-999-9999 .
- Check the box if this phone is TTY Enabled*
- Select the site location of your MIT office.
- Enter the MIT building where your office is located.
- Enter the room number of your office.
*TTY stands for "Telephone Typewriter" or "Text Telephone". For further information, please read Telephone Services for People with Hearing or Speech Disabilities.
Note: If you are deleting an existing Alternate Office, you must select SELECT A WORK SITE for the alternate site.
The e-mail address defined here will list in the MIT online directory but the change does not take effect immediately. Your fax number and Personal Home Page will appear in the MIT online directory. Your MIT pager and mobile telephone numbers are not in the MIT directory, but are available to departmental authorized users.
Ethnicity, Race, Gender, & Veteran Status
Select the categories which best describe your ethnicity, race, gender, and veteran status.
- Select your ethnicity. Click on Explanation for a description of the categories listed.
- Select one or more races. Click on Explanation for a description of the categories listed.
- Select your gender.
- Verify your date of birth. If you need to make a correction, see your department administrator.
- Click the boxes for all of the veteran statuses that apply. Non-veteran is the default. Click on Veteran Status Descriptions to see descriptions of the veteran categories listed.
Note: If you are a veteran, it is likely that more than one category applies to you.
Emergency Contact
Identify the person for MIT to contact in case of an emergency. Other required fields are your relationship with the emergency contact person and at least one telephone number where they can be reached.
- Type in the contact person's first and last name.
- Enter their relationship to you (spouse, brother, etc).
- Enter the home, work, and mobile telephone number of the contact. You can enter all three, but at least one is required.
Optional fields for the emergency contact person:
- Enter the work or home e-mail address.
- Select the country where he/she lives.
- Enter the home street address in Address Line 1. Use Address Line 2 for additional address info such as P.O. Box number.
- Enter the city. If the country is not US or Canada, also enter the region (prefecture, territory, etc.).
- Select the state (US) or province (Canada).
- Enter the zip or postal code.
Education History
This page shows the records you created for each degree you earned from an accredited educational institution. (This page will be blank if you have not created any records yet.)
Important: Information on completed degrees will provide the data MIT uses for reporting on educational attainment.
- Click "add +" to enter information about a degree and add a new record.
- Click "edit" to update or delete an existing record.
Find Your Institution: If you cannot find your institution, try to broaden your search. Search a country without specifying a state for a wider range of results. Search by name or partial name instead of by location criteria. If you still cannot find your institution, contact for assistance.
Related Links
Campus Emergency Notification (MIT Alert)
Personal Information FAQ
Name Changes At MIT