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Time Approval for Service Employees

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
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This screen is for Time Approvers, Distribution Reviewers, and Time Administrators to review, approve, or edit an employee's time sheet.

On this page:

To Approve a Time Sheet
To Edit a Time Sheet
To Review and Edit Salary Distribution
To Complete the Time Sheet Approval Process
Using the Navigation Buttons
Understanding Date and Leave Balance Quotas
Absence/Attendance Types

To Approve a Time Sheet

At your inbox screen, click the Hours or Both button to the left of the employees's name. The employee's time sheet displays in a new window for your review.

Step Action
1 Review the first line item listed in the employee's time sheet. Confirm that the information in the applicable fields is correct.
2 If the information is correct, review the next line item. If the information is not correct or there is a question with it, click the check-box to the left of that item to remove the default check mark. The empty check-box indicates the line item will not be approved. If the line item needs editing, see To Edit a Time Sheet for more information.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each line item.
4 When the review of all line items is complete, click Save at the top or bottom of the page. When clicking Save, the check mark boxes to the left of each line item change to display a large green check mark indicating that those line items are approved. A confirmation message displays at the top of the page: "Time sheet data saved."
5 The current time sheet is approved and is ready for the payroll production cycle. Click one of the navigation buttons at the top of your screen, Return to Overview, Previous Time Sheet, or Next Time Sheet to continue with the time sheet approval process, or click Home in the upper right-hand corner of the page to end your session.

Using the Navigation Buttons

There are five navigation buttons at the top of the page and to the right of the Save button.

  1. Print this Page: Click to print a copy of the time sheet.
  2. Return to Overview: Click to return to your time sheet inbox.
  3. Previous Time Sheet: Click to go to the previous time sheet in your inbox, without returning to your inbox.
  4. Next Time Sheet: Click to proceed to the next time sheet in your inbox, without returning to your inbox.
  5. Home: Button is in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Click Home to exit the Time Sheet function and return to the home page.

To Edit a Time Sheet

A time sheet for Service staff can be changed up to four weeks in the past and four weeks in the future. For changes beyond this time frame, complete a "Time Sheet Correction Requisition" and submit it to Payroll.
The following fields can be edited. Click Save after edits are made.

Cost Object
To edit the Cost Object,place your cursor in the data field, click and highlight the Cost Object. Enter the new Cost Object by over-writing the original.
Note: This column displays only for Time Administrators and Distribution Reviewers. Time Approvers do not have the authorization to view or edit this field.

Attendance/Absence Type
To edit the "Attendance/Absence Type (A/A Type)", click the drop down menu to display the applicable "Attendance/Absence Types" for this employee. Select the appropriate type by clicking on it.
Result: The "Attendance/Absence Type" changes to your selection. You can also change the A/A Type by typing the first letter of the Attendance or Absence type in the field.

To edit the "Shift", click the drop down menu and select the applicable "Shift".
Result: The "Shift" changes to your selection.
Note: This column displays only for those positions which are shift eligible.
Temp Code
To edit the Temp Code, click the drop down menu to display the applicable Temp Codes for this employee. Select the appropriate Temp Code by clicking on it. The Temp Code changes to your selection.

To edit the "Hours", click the drop down menu and select the applicable "Hours".
Result: The "Hours" change to your selection.

To Add a Line
If there are additional hours to report in a day, or more than one A/A Type for that day requiring a new line item, click Add Line to the left of the appropriate day. A blank line is added to that day. Enter all applicable information and click Save when complete.

To Delete a Line Item
To delete a line item, change the "Hours" of the applicable item to 0. Then click Save to delete the entry.

To Review and Edit Salary Distribution

This section details how to approve and edit Salary Distribution. This functionality is only available to Distribution Reviewers and Time Administrators.

To Review Salary Distribution Information

  1. Review the Cost Object and Percent fields. If there is more than one Cost Object for this position, the sum of the percentages entered must equal 100. If both fields are correct, click the *Distribution Review Status8 checkbox. A check mark appears indicating that the fields have been reviewed and approved. When this box is checked, it updates the Dist Rev status on your Time Approval inbox to "Yes" indicating that a salary distribution review has been completed for this time sheet.
  2. Click Save to approve and save the time sheet.

To Edit Salary Distribution Information
Cost Object and Percent fields can be edited for both Regular (regular pay) and Premium (overtime pay) Distribution.

To edit Cost Object

  1. Position your cursor in the Cost Object field.
  2. Click and highlight the Cost Object.
  3. Enter the new Cost Object.

To edit Percent

  1. Position your cursor in the Percent field.
  2. Click and highlight the Percent.
  3. Enter the new Percent.

*To Add Another Cost Object Using Add Line *

  1. Click Add Line to add another Cost Object and Percent to the employee's time sheet for this pay week. When the blank fields appear, enter the appropriate values in Cost Object and Percent.
  2. After changes are made to Salary Distribution, click the Distribution Review Status checkbox above Cost Object and Percent.
  3. Click Save to save the time sheet.

Note: Saving the time sheet after approving Distribution Review alone will not submit it to payroll production. Time sheets enter payroll production after the Hours and related information are approved and saved by a Time Approver or Time Administrator.

To Complete the Time Sheet Approval Process

Once changes are made and line items are approved, click Save to save the time sheet. After the time sheet is approved and saved, the employee can no longer make changes to that time sheet. Additional changes can only be made by Time Approvers and Time Administrators.
Note: Changes can be made to Service staff time sheets up to four weeks in the past and four weeks in the future even after the time sheet has been reviewed and approved. For changes beyond this time frame, complete a "Time Sheet Correction" form and submit it to Payroll.

Date and Leave Balance Quotas

Each payroll run automatically updates the hours in Sick, Personal, Vacation, and 5th Week categories. These balances are display-only fields and calculated based on the Accrual Rate Date, Last Updated Date, and any hours reported for Leave categories in the last pay week.
An Approver can use the information contained in the Leave Balance fields if they are completing an employee's time sheet, to identify potential discrepancies between an employee's submission of Leave hours and the actual Leave Balances that are available for that employee.

Field Description
Accrual Rate Date The date used to determine your anniversary for accruing sick, personal, vacation, and 5th-week vacation leave. For most employees, this is your hire date. For employees who have been reinstated, this date is adjusted to account for prior service.
Last Updated Date The pay period end date of the last payroll run in which the leave balance quotas were updated.
Sick The balance of Sick leave hours. This equals the hours accrued for Sick leave, minus any hours reported for Sick leave through the last payroll run.
Personal The balance of Personal leave hours. This equals the hours accrued for Personal leave, minus any hours reported for Personal leave through the last payroll run.
Vacation The balance of your Vacation hours. This equals the hours accrued for Vacation, minus any hours reported for Vacation leave through the last payroll run.
5th Week The balance of 5th Week vacation hours. This equals the vacation hours accrued for 5th Week balance, minus any hours reported for 5th Week vacation through the last payroll run.
5th Week Deadline If you are entitled to 5th Week vacation, this is the date by which you must use your 5th Week balance, or lose those days.

Service A/A Types

A/A Type When to Use Notes
5th Week Vacation Use when you pre-plan with your supervisor to take vacation and request it be charged to 5th week. -
5thWk Vaca/lieu of sick Use when you run out of sick time and are not eligible for Extended Sick Leave and upon agreement with your supervisor that vacation can be used in lieu of Sick time. New A/A Type
Bereavement Leave Use if you are out of work due to a death in the family (up to 5 days). New A/A Type replacing Funeral
Call-in Pay Use when employee is called in outsie of the regularly scheduled hours prior to the regular shift. Union only
Detail Pay When Campus Police Officer works detail (not part of a regular shift). Campus Police only
Detail Pay-Officer in Chg When Campus Police Officer works detail and is working as Officer in Charge (not part of regular shift). Campus Police only
Emergency Closing Use when Institute announcement has been made for an emergency closing. -
Extended Sick Leave Use when you run out of sick time and will be out for more than 5 days and Payroll has been notified through a Personnel Action. -
Furlough This code should be used when an employee receives written notice of furlough. A furlough is the involuntary placement of an employee on an unpaid leave of absence due to lack of funds for no less than one week (the 5 days can be taken in one day increments) and no longer than 3 months during a 12 month period. -
Holiday Use for Institute Holiday Closings (12 Annually). -
Industrial Accident Use when you are out of work on Workers Compensation. New A/A Type
Jury/Witness Use when you are out of work due to jury or witness duty. -
Leave Without Pay Use when you are taking unpaid leave. See Policy 4.16 in the Institute's Employee Manual for lengths and approvals. -
Meal Use for a 45 minute paid meal break when performing 10 1/4 hours of required work. -
Military Leave Use when you are entering the Armed Forces for six months or more. -
Other Leave (appr. By HR) Use for unusual circumstances; must be approved in advance by HR otherwise you will not be paid. -
Personal Leave Up to three days of sick leave can be used for personal leave. -
Quick Comeback Use when you leave work and are called to come back to work due to a problem. -
Shutdown Pay Use when a department has a shutdown due to a flood or other facility or safety issue. -
Sick Use when you are sick. Up to twelve days annually granted for Sick Leave. -
Sick – Family You may use up to three days of sick leave if a family member is ill. New A/A Type
Sick – Leave Without Pay Use when you run out of sick time and are not eligible for Extended Sick Leave. New A/A Type
Special Holiday/Closing Use when Institute announcement has been made for a Special Holiday. -
Vacation Use when you pre-plan with your supervisor to take vacation time. -
Vacation in Lieu of Sick Use when you run out of sick time and are not eligible for Extended Sick Leave and an agreement with your supervisor. -
Work Use to report your regular work hours. -
Work during Emergency Use when an employee is required to work during their regular shift during an emergency closing. New A/A Type, previously used Work on Holiday.
Work on a Holiday Use when you are required to work on an Institute holiday. -
Work-Spec Holiday/Closing Use when you are required to work during a Special Holiday or Emergency Closing.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

November 25, 2013

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