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This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at

As a DLC administrator, you can update personal information for the employees in your org unit(s). If you need to update your own information, use Atlas.

Note: A "Not Authorized" means that you do not have authorization to perform the action.

  1. Select the action you want to perform.
    Tip: Use the Select All (green) button to choose all actions at once.
  2. Select the employee(s) you want to update:
    • For an individual employee, type in the last name in the "From Last Name" field.
    • For a range of employees, fill in the "From Last Name" and "To Last Name" fields.
    • You can enter single letters for a range, for example "A" through "H."
    • To update an employee type, leave the name fields blank and select either Academic, Non-Academic, or Other (for example, affiliates).
      Note: All employee types are selected by default.
    • To retrieve all employees in the org unit(s), leave the name fields blank and select all the employee types.
  3. Select the org unit(s).
    Note: All org units are selected by default.
  4. Click Search. The results are displayed on the "Search Results" page.

Reference Guide

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Last Modified:

July 11, 2014

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