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RFP Confirmation Page

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at

The RFP Confirmation page appears after an RFP has been sent on. You will see a box at the top with a check mark confirming the action you just took (e.g., RFP has been successfully routed to your approver).

Confirmation You will see a box at the top with a check mark telling you your RFP has been forwarded.

There might be other forms of a confirmation message depending on your previous action.
Attach Receipt/View Receipts You may Attach a Receipt or View any attached receipts by clicking the buttons. This is the only action you can take on this Confirmation page.
Note to Recipient Displays any note included to the recipient. This may be blank since a note is optional.

Payment Details

RFP Number This is the RFP number associated with this record.
Payee Your name is shown here.
Company Code This is the entity making the payment.
Name of RFP If you've given this RFP a name it will be displayed here.
Type of RFP This will display Reimbursement .
Payment Method This will display Direct Deposit.

Line Items

Date of Service Displays the Date of a purchase or of services rendered.
G/L Account This may be blank if the submitter was unsure of the G/L Account to use. It should display the G/L Account if the RFP was sent to Accounts Payable.
Cost Object This may be blank if the submitter was unsure of the Cost Object to use. It should display the Cost Object if the RFP was sent to Accounts Payable.
Explanation Displays a brief description of the goods or services received and rate of payment.
Note to Central Office Displays any note included for Accounts Payable or OSP. This may be blank since a note is optional.

RFP History

Date Displays the Date of an action taken on this RFP.
Time Displays the time of the action.
Action Display the type of action taken e.g., Created, Sent, Rejected, Approved.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

December 20, 2013

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