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PI Space Glossary

Roomset Roles

  • PI - The Principle Investigator (PI) or supervisor responsible for assuring that a laboratory or facility space complies with EHS regulations and good practices. The PI/Supervisor has final-line responsibility for performing his or her responsibilities under the MIT Environmental Health and Safety Management System (EHS-MS); and for ensuring that the laboratory or facility space under his or her purview satisfies EHS requirements.
  • EHS Rep - The EHS Representative(s) assists the PI or facility supervisor in achieving EHS compliance in the laboratory or facility space. Any laboratory or facility room, shared room, or sub-room where regulated EHS activities occur must have one EHS Representative; it can have many. An EHS Rep is optional at the roomset level but if one is entered, it will become the default EHS Rep for every room and subroom in the roomset.
  • SARA Reporter - The SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Reporter is responsible for completing and submitting the SARA Inventory annually.

    Room Roles

  • Secondary PI - Principal Investigator who shares space in the primary PI's space (Shared Room). A Shared Room is only inspected once under the primary PI's name.
  • EHS Rep - The EHS Representative(s) assists the PI or facility supervisor in achieving EHS compliance in the laboratory or facility space. Any laboratory or facility room, shared room, or sub-room where regulated EHS activities occur must have one EHS Representative; it can have many. An EHS Rep is optional at the roomset level but if one is entered, it will become the default EHS Rep for every room and subroom in the roomset.
  • Emergency Contact - Person(s) who should be contacted in the event of an emergency. This information can be printed onto “Green Cards” and posted outside the room. It can also be accessed on-line by authorized emergency responders. Important Note: Online information may contain private emergency contact phone numbers suppressed from the printed and publicly posted Green Card.


  • Roomset - A defined set of rooms for a PI/Supervisor. Each PI/Supervisor needs at least one roomset per DLC affiliation. Since each roomset maps to one inspection report, the type of research or work organizes most roomsets.
  • Roomset Name - Identifies the roomset and is provided by the EHS Coordinator/EHS Office. Common names include the last name of the PI/supervisor or a description of the research.
  • Subroom - Distinct spaces within a room. A subroom belongs to a single roomset and one PI. Subrooms in the same room may belong to different roomsets. Each PI can have their space registered in the system along with the contacts and hazards. Each subroom will have to be inspected separately in the system.
  • Subroom Name - Identifies the subroom and is provided by the EHS Coordinator/EHS Office.
  • Shared Room - Rooms with one primary PI and one or more secondary PIs. A Shared Room is only inspected once under the primary PI's name.
  • Green Card - A card containing emergency contact information that can be printed and posted outside the door of every laboratory. The green card contains the public contact information for the PI, EHS Rep, EHS Coordinator and emergency contacts.
  • SARA - As part of the EPA's Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), Congress decreed that facilities that use large quantities of hazardous chemicals must inform the local community of their presence and work with local fire departments to plan for accidents and releases. These requirements to inform the public of chemical use and storage are known by the acronym EPCRA, or Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. This means that once a year MIT compiles a targeted inventory of acutely toxic chemical substances and substances that are present in aggregate in greater than 10,000 lbs.
  • SARA Period - The annual period during which SARA Reporters collect and submit the SARA inventory. The period begins November 1st. Reports should be submitted within a few weeks following this date. This gives the EHS Office enough time to verify the data and submit a report to local and state agencies by March 1st.
  • SARA Worksheet - A printable worksheet that the SARA Reporter can take through the laboratory to collect the SARA Inventory. The worksheet contains all of the chemical, fuels, and oils that MIT needs to report to the state and local agencies as well as the data that were submitted from last year.
  • Core Hazard Types - Used for the registration of potential hazards classes that exist in spaces. The core hazards include: Chemical, Biological Materials, Ionizing Radiation Sources, Non-ionizing Radiation Sources, Flammable Liquids > 10 Gal., Highly Reactive Materials and Large Vol Oil > 55 gal 1Cntr. The system also has the ability to register more specific potential hazards.
  • DLC Affiliation - The Department, Lab or Center in which the PI is performing the research or work. It does not have to match the Human Resources appointment. PIs can have multiple DLC affiliations through the setup of multiple roomsets.

    Roomset Status

  • Active - A roomset that contains at least one space that contains hazards or is being used for research.
  • Decommission in Process - The status that is used to delete all rooms within the roomset for the current PI. The EHS Coordinator would sets this value and the EHS Office sets the roomset to Decommissioned when all of the rooms are clean of all hazards.
  • Decommission Complete - That status that is used when the EHS Office finalizes the deletion of a roomset. This occurs after all of the rooms are cleaned of all hazards.

    Room Status

  • Active - A room that contains hazards or is being used for research.
  • Inactive - A room that is administrative, does not contain hazards, or is not being used for research. It is optional to inspect inactive rooms.

    Inspection Status

  • Inspect/Do Not Inspect - The status of whether a room needs to be inspected. While inspection is optional for inactive rooms, all active rooms have to be inspected

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

July 17, 2013

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