My Training Profile
You can access Atlas at
The My Profile tab in the Learning Center application displays: Training Groups that may have been applied to you by a training group administrator that felt based on your activities and/or job at the Institute applied to you; and Academic Subject that you registered for that have training rules associated with them. The My Profile tab also allows you to maintain your EHS Activities and self-affiliate with training groups. Also included on this page are links to other vendor training (edX and LinkedIn Learning) and the EHS website.
On this page:
You may see the following warning in this section and the section should only be completed if you work or plan to work in a lab or non-lab space that may contain hazards.
New user?
- Select the Create EHS Profile button
- On the Find your PI or Supervisor screen you can:
- select a PI (view by last name)
- search for a PI
- continue without PI
- After selecting a PI and clicking the Save and Continue button or continuing without a PI, you will "Select Your Activities" by checking the relevant boxes.
- Submit your selection(s) by clicking the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. Your My Training Profile tab will be updated with your selections.
- Resulting training requirements and/or recommendations will display on your My Training Needs tab.
- You can maintain your PI/Activities at any time.
Training groups may have been applied to you by a training group administrator that felt based on your activities and/or job at the Institute was relevant to you. You can also elect to join a group that allows for self-selection. If a group is locked and you would like to join, contact the training group administrator listed in the description.
New user?
- Select the Join a Group button
- On the Find Training Groups screen you can:
- Navigate to a group, the groups display according to categories:
- Department, Lab, Center, or Org Specific
- Division of Comparative Medicine
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Special Interests
- Other
- Search for a training group
- Navigate to a group, the groups display according to categories:
- Each of the above categories are further broken down into smaller categories (with the number of training groups that correspond to that category displaying).
- A lock icon next to a training group indicates it is a closed group. Click on a training group for more information. If the group is not closed, you can select Join Group to join the Training Group.
- If you join a group, the group will display on your Training Profile.
- Resulting training requirements and/or recommendations will display on your My Training Needs tab.
- You can leave the group or join additional groups at any time.
If you are enrolled in an academic subject that requires additional training, the academic course code will display under the My Academic Subjects section of your Training Profile. Resulting training requirements and/or recommendations will display on your My Training Needs tab.