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Finding Types - Inspection Types

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
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Finding Types

This window lists the inspection types defined in the system. Each inspection type represents a template that can be used for entering inspection data. A DLC can be configured to use a single inspection type at any given time. This configuration data is maintained within the SAP GUI. If a DLC is not explicitly set to use a particular inspection type, it will use the default inspection type.

Return to Questionnaire Maintenance

Click this button to return to the questionnaire maintenance home page

Add Inspection Type

Click this button to create a new inspection type. Only users who are authorized to maintain questionnaire data will see this button.

Inspection Type List

Delete Inspection Type

Click the trash can icon to delete an inspection type. Only users who are authorized to maintain questionnaire data will see the delete button, and only for inspection types that are not currently in use. If an inspection exists in the inspection system that uses a particular inspection type, that inspection type cannot be changed or deleted, but it can be copied.

Copy Inspection Type

Click the copy button to make a copy of the selected inspection type. Since an inspection that is in use cannot be modified, the copy button is useful in quickly creating a copy of an existing inspection type, and then modifying it by adding or removing finding types.

ID #

This is the unique id for the inspection type.

Inspection Type

Name of the inspection type such as Comprehensive, Chemistry, etc. The names do not have to be unique, so there may be two Comprehensive inspection types listed with different IDs. This will be common as inspection types that are in use are copied to have have finding types added or removed from them. Clicking the inspection type link will display the view or edit inspection type screen, based on the user's authorizations and whether or not the inspection type is in use.

In Use

A inspection type referenced in an in process or submitted inspection is considered to be in use. In use inspection types cannot be changed or deleted, but they can be copied provided the user has proper authorizations.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

November 22, 2013

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