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Edit Finding Type - Details

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Edit Finding Type

This window displays the details for a finding types.

Return to List

Click this button to return to the finding type list

Finding Type Fields

Finding Type ID

Unique ID of the finding type

Finding Label

Abbreviated code for the finding type.

Finding Type

Text that describes the nature of the findings.

Finding Group

Finding group that the finding type belongs to

Documented Closure Required

If yes, any finding entered for this finding type will always be a DCR finding.

Include 'Facilities Work Order'

If yes, 'Facilities Work Order' will appear in the assignee menu when entering findings for this finding type.

Require Finding Details

If yes, the finding detail is required when entering a finding for this finding type.

Finding Category

Otional finding category, used for reporting purposes.

Subject Matter Expert

When a finding is assigned to the EHS Office, is will actually be assigned to the subject matter expert if one is defined for the finding type, else the EHS Lead Contact for the DLC will be assigned to the finding.


Guidance text for the finding.


If yes, this finding can be selected when creating an inspection type.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

November 22, 2013

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