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Edit Finding Type

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at

This window provides a form for creating and maintaining finding types.

Return to List

Click this button to return to the finding type list


Click this button to save changes to the finding type.

Finding Type Fields

Finding Type ID

Unique ID of the finding type

Finding Label

Enter text that will serve as a abbreviated code for the finding type. The label will appear in the finding menu when entering new findings in the inspection system. For example, you may use 'GS-1' as the finding label for the the first finding in the general safety group. It is possible to have multiple finding records with the same finding label. Most often, this happens when a finding that is in use needs to be changed. If you needed to change the guidance text for a finding that was already in use, you could create a new GS-1 finding with new guidance text and the old finding type inactive.

Finding Type

Enter text for the finding type. This text will appear in the finding menu along with the finding label.

Finding Group

Select the finding group from the drop down menu.

Documented Closure Required

If this box is checked, any finding that uses this finding type will always be a DCR finding.

Include 'Facilities Work Order'

Check this box to include 'Facilities Work Order' in the assignee menu when entering findings for this finding type.

Require Finding Details

If this box is checked, the user must enter a description in the Finding Detail text area when entering a finding for this finding type. The can be selected for any finding type, but it is most often used for generic findings such as 'General Safety - Other', where the text of the finding type does not give a clear description of the issue or how to resolve it.

Finding Category

Choose an optional finding category. The category is not displayed in the inspection system. It is intended to be used for reporting purposes.

Subject Matter Expert

Select an optional subject matter expert. Start typing the name of the person you wish to select as the subject matter expert (SME). You may enter names in the format of <fist name> <last name> or <last name> , <first name> . Wild cards are allowed, so you may enter 'j* smith' or 'smith, j*'. All names matching your search criteria are displayed in a list. You can click on a name, or use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list and press the 'enter' key to select a name.
When a finding is assigned to the EHS Office, is will actually be assigned to the subject matter expert if one is defined for the finding type, else the EHS Lead Contact for the DLC will be assigned to the finding.


Enter guidance text for the finding. By default, guidance is displayed without any special formatting. You can use html tags to add extra formatting to the guidance text. For example, you can use * and * tags to create bold text, or use
tags to provide spacing between lines. Hypertext links are also allowed.


Check box for making the finding type active or inactive.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

November 22, 2013

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