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Create Inspection

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When the Create Inspection button is clicked, the Edit Inspection screen launches where you enter the details for a new Inspection Report. Use the Edit Inspection screen to:

  • Create a new Inspection Report and add Findings
  • Submit a new Inspection Report that resulted in no Findings
  • Enter Coordinator Notes
  • Enter Best Practices
  • Submit the PI Report
  • Preview the PI Letter

Return to Inspection Overview

Click the Return to Inspection Overview link to leave the Edit Inspection page and return to the Your Inspection Overview page.

Add Finding

Click Add Finding to open the "Add Finding" form. Complete the "Add Finding" form and then click Save.

When saved, the EHS system will assign the Finding an ID number and a checkmark appears as a confirmation that the data is saved. You can still edit the information on the "Add Findings" form, but you must save your changes.

Following is a brief description of the "Add Finding" fields, buttons, and icons:

Click to save the Add Finding form.
Click to delete the Finding and close the Add Finding form.
Indicates that changes have been made to the Add Finding form. Do not exit the form before you save or your change(s) will be lost.
Confirmation icon appears when the Add Finding form is saved, or when changes to the form have been saved.
Required Field. Data must be entered into any field that shows an asterisk before the Add Finding form can be saved.
Error icon appears with a message telling you what needs to be addressed.
  • Finding Type: Click the cursor in the "Finding" field to highlight any text and then enter the first letter of the Finding Type label (if you know it). You can also type all or part of a keyword from the finding. Or you can hit the space bar and all available findings will display. In each case, a drop-down list of Finding Types opens for you to choose the relevant Finding Type. Select a Finding Type to enter it into the "Finding" field.
  • Guidance: After a Finding is entered, click ShowGuidance to see the guidance for the Finding issued by the EHS Office, if any guidance exists. Use this information to check that you have selected the most accurate Finding for the issue being documented. Click the Print icon to print the Guidance information. Click Hide Guidance to close the Guidance description.
  • Finding Detail: Enter any additional information about the Finding.
  • Correction Status: Used to indicate if a Finding was closed during an inspection. Choose between Not Corrected, Corrected During Inspection, and Corrected Prior To Inspection. The default selection is "Not Corrected". Choices available depend on the circumstances of the Finding; therefore, all choices may not be available.
  • Documented Closure Required (DCR): Check this option if the Finding requires documented closure.
  • Exclude from PI Report: Check this option if you want to exclude the Finding from the PI Report.
  • Subject to Restriction: Check this option if an individual, lab, or facility is restricted. When checked, a Restrictions Details text box opens for you to enter information about the restriction, which is included in the Inspection Report. Only users with DLC EHS Coordinator or DLC EHS Lead Contact authorizations will be able to see Restrictions.
  • Rooms: This is a required field and must be completed. Check all rooms that the Finding applies to in the roomset. If it applies to all of the roomsets, check Select All. To clear all checked rooms on this form, check Deselect All. If the finding occurred near, but not in one of the rooms, fill in details about the location in the "Other Location" field. The "Other Location" field is not active when a Finding is assigned to a Facilities Repair Order. In this case, one of the rooms listed in this section must be checked.
  • Assigned To: Click the down arrow to open a drop-down list of persons that the Finding may be assigned to. Select a person on this list to enter it in the "Assigned To" field. Facilities Repair Order is not included on this list unless the Finding is configured to allow a Repair Order.

When "Individual" is selected as the Assignee, you must search for the name of the person. Searches are not case-sensitive. To search, do one of the following:

  • Enter the Last Name of the individual in the Name field. All matches are listed below the Name field. Select the correct name from the list.

  • Enter the First Name Initial followed by a space and then the Last Name.

  • Enter the First Name Initial followed and asterisk, a space, and then the Last Name.


Coordinator Notes

Note: This feature is only available to the:

  • DLC EHS Coordinators with access to the DLC
  • DLC EHS Lead Contacts with access to the DLC
  • EHS Office

As needed, enter confidential text notes regarding a current Finding, or a potential future Finding that the Coordinator wishes to monitor. The first note for a Finding will not have an ID number until the note is saved.

Click to save the note and Finding.
Click to delete a note and Finding.
Indicates that changes have been made to the Add Notes form. Do not exit the form before you save or your change(s) will be lost.
Confirmation icon appears when the note and Finding are saved.
Required Field. Data must be entered into any field that shows an asterisk before the form can be saved.
Error icon appears with a message telling you what needs to be addressed.

Finding: (Required Field) Click the cursor in the "Finding" field to highlight any text and then enter the first letter of the Finding Type label (if you know it). You can also type all or part of a keyword from the finding. Or you can hit the space bar and all available findings will display. In each case, a drop-down list of Finding Types opens for you to choose the relevant Finding Type. Select a Finding Type to enter it into the "Finding" field.

Notes: (Required Field) Enter text notes that pertain to the Finding.

Best Practices

Note: This feature is only available to the:

  • DLC EHS Coordinators with access to the DLC
  • DLC EHS Lead Contacts with access to the DLC
  • EHS Office

A new feature in the EHS system, the "Best Practices" form is where you document exemplary practices or effective procedures in a Roomset that demonstrate excellent EHS performance and/or might be useful methods to share with other labs or work areas.

Click to save the information entered on the Best Practices form.
Click to delete a Best Practices form.
Indicates that changes have been made to the Best Practices form. Do not exit the form before you save or your change(s) will be lost.
Confirmation icon appears when the Best Practices form is saved.
Required Field. Data must be entered into any field that shows an asterisk before the form can be saved.
Error icon appears with a message telling you what needs to be addressed.

Finding Group: Choose a category from the drop-down list that the Best Practice relates to.
Best Practices: (Required Field) Enter confidential text notes on the best practice information.

Submit PI Report

The Submit PI Report tab is where you review or edit the contents of a PI Report before it is submitted. There are several active fields where you can:

  • Select the Overall Inspection Findings rating (None/Minor/Moderate/Major)
  • Add Report Recipients and Inspection Team Members
  • Deselect Report Recipients who should not receive a report and/or Inspection Team Members who are no longer a member of the Inspection team
  • Indicate whether a follow-up inspection is required
  • Either use the default, or customize, the Header and Footer information (Note: to change the defaults, access to the DLC Preference Settings application from the home page).
    Save - Click to save any changes entered on the "Submit PI Report" form.
    Submit Report – Click to submit the PI Report.
    Inspection Header – The information in this section is included in the PI Letter. The following is a brief description of the "Inspection Header" fields.

DLC – The DLC of the Roomset being inspected.
Roomset – The name of the Roomset being inspected.
PI/Supervisor – The current PI or Supervisor of the Roomset as listed in the PI Space Registration application.
Historical PI/Supervisor – The PI or Supervisor of the Roomset at the time of the inspection. This field only displays if the PI/Supervisor is different than the PI/Supervisor listed on the PI Space Registration application at the time of the inspection.
Inspection Date – The date of the inspection. This field defaults to today’s date. The user can change the date, but you cannot set a date in the future.
To select a date using a popup calendar, double-click your cursor in the Inspection Date field to display the calendar. The Inspection Date is grayed in; today’s date is highlighted in red.

Inspection Round – The Inspection Round when the Finding was recorded. To change the Inspection Date, make a selection from the drop-down list.
Email Recipients – The DLC EHS Coordinator(s) and DLC EHS Lead Contact(s) of the Roomset being inspected.
Send Report To – Persons other than the DLC EHS Coordinator(s) and DLC EHS Lead Contact(s) who should receive a copy of the report. The default is the PI/Supervisor and the EHS Representative of the Roomset. Uncheck a person’s name on this list if they should not receive the report.
Add New Recipient-- Click to search for a person"s name to add to the list of report recipients.
Inspection Team – Persons who are part of the team that inspected the Roomset. Uncheck a person'’s name to indicate they are not currently on the team. (Note: to change the default inspection team list, access to the DLC Preference Settings application from the home page).
Add New Team Member - Click to search for a person’s name to add to the inspection team.
Follow up by Inspection Team Required? – Indicate whether a follow-up is required.
Overall Inspection Findings – The Overall Inspection Findings selection dictates the default Report Overview text that is included in the report. Choose between None, Minor, Medium, and Major. You cannot choose None if you have a Finding. This field will always show “select a value” as the default. A selection must be made before the report can be submitted. If you need guidance as to which selection best fits with the Finding, click the Information icon.
* *

Note: If you do not make a selection for the Overall Inspection Findings, and try to submit the form, you will get the error message:

Overall Inspection Findings must have a value.

You will not be able to submit the report until “select a value” is changed to None, Minor, Medium, or Major.

Report Overview – Each Overall Inspection Findings selection generates a default Report Overview that will appear in all of your reports as shown, unless you choose to change it.
You can customize the Report Overview and enter your own text, or edit the default text. Select the checkbox located under the text field to use a customized version as the default for a specific "Overall Inspection Findings" category.
Note: To change the default overview text, access to the DLC Preference Settings application from the EHS SAPWeb home page.

Findings – When a Finding is added to a Roomset, it is included on the submitted PI Report with the pertinent details. This section is populated from the Add Findings tab when a Finding is added and saved.

Report Footer – A default "Report Footer" is included with each report. You can customize the default text and enter your own text. Select the checkbox located under the text field to use a customized version on your reports.
Note: To change the default footer text, access to the DLC Preference Settings application from the EHS SAPWeb home page.

Preview PI Letter

Preview what the final report looks like before it is submitted. Once submitted, the report goes to the Report Recipients in an email. A link is provided in the email for the recipients to respond to the Findings. If you are satisfied with the content, you can submit the report by clicking the Submit Report button.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

January 02, 2014

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