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Create, Review, Modify Receipt Details - Reviewer


As a reviewer, you may be creating a new receipt, or opening a submitted receipt for review. The steps for entering providing and editing these details are the same.

Expense Type

Select the appropriate Expense Type from the drop-down – the associated GL account number and description displays.

If this is the wrong expense type, click Delete This Detail Line and start again.

Cost Object

Enter the Cost Object.

If you have identified your cost objects to the system, you can click on the magnifying glass to display a selection list. If you created nickname for the cost object, you may enter that instead.

When you exit the entry field, the system validates the cost object and returns the cost object’s start date, end date, profit center, and description.

If this was an incorrect Cost Object, click Detach and start again.

Store and Use Default Details

If you will be regularly entering receipts for the same expense type and cost object, clicking Store as Default Details will capture the expense type and cost object pair that you can apply via the Use Default Details link.

Receipt Amount

The Receipt Amount must equal the procard purchase amount. Enter the full receipt amount unless it is to be split between multiple expense types or cost objects. Steps in the following sections show you how to do this.

Food & Entertainment Expenses – NO Alcohol

For a food expense with no alcohol, the receipt should show the names of the attendees, or an attachment providing these names (for example, an invitee list). The steps below explain how to make these entries.

  1. For Expense Type, select the Meetings & Food type that most closely matches your need. A pop-up asks if alcohol was part of the expense.
  2. Answer No. The system now displays fields into which you can identify the meal’s attendees.
  3. Enter the Cost Object.
  4. Provide the Names of Attendees at the meal. You can type the persons’ names or paste a list of them into the field, or attach a document within which the people are mentioned. If you have the names in a separate document, you can Attach it instead.
  5. Enter the Amount of the receipt.
  6. Enter Business Justification text. The text will be stored in SAP.
  7. Optionally, enter Internal Notes. These notes may be comments between you and your reviewer and verifier. They are only stored on the ProCard Receipt system.

Food & Entertainment Expenses – WITH Alcohol

For a food expense with alcohol, the receipt should show the names of the attendees, or an attachment providing these names (for example, an invitee list). A separate section should highlight the alcohol expenditure and provide the amount spent on the alcohol. The steps below explain how to make these entries.

  1. For Expense Type, select the Meetings and Food type. A pop-up asks if alcohol was part of the expense.
  2. Answer Yes. The system now displays this warning message:
  3. Click OK to proceed. Fields now display for the food and for the alcohol portions of the expense.
  4. Enter the Cost Object for the non-alcohol portion of the expense.
  5. Provide the Names of Attendees at the meal. You can type the persons’ names, paste a list of them into the field, or attach a document within which the people are mentioned. If you have the names in a separate document, you can Attach it instead.
  6. In the alcohol section, enter the Cost Object for the alcohol portion of the expense.
  7. In the alcohol section, enter the alcohol Amount.
  8. In the grey area below the alcohol section, enter the non-alcohol Amount.
  9. Enter Business Justification text. The text will be stored in SAP.
  10. Optionally, enter Internal Notes. These notes may be comments between you and your reviewer and verifier. They are only stored on the ProCard Receipt system.

Split an Expense by Dollar Amount

If the receipt needs to be split by dollar amount between Expense Types or Cost Objects, perform these steps.

  1. For the first part of the split,
    1. Select the Expense Type.
    2. Enter the Cost Object.
    3. Enter the Amount to be allocated to this portion of the split.
  2. Click + Add Expense Line. The system now displays a new entry block for next expense type.
  3. For the next part of the split,
    1. Select the Expense Type.
    2. Enter the Cost Object.
    3. Enter the Amount to be allocated to this portion of the split.
  4. As necessary, repeat steps 2-3 to add yet more splits.
    Note: You can delete an added expense line by clicking the Delete this Detail Line button for the unwanted justification.

Split an Expense by Percentage

If the receipt needs to be split on the basis of a percentage, for example 20% to cost object1 and 80% to cost object 2, perform these steps.

  1. Enter the Expense Type.
  2. Enter the first Cost Object.
  3. Enter the total, unsplit Amount of the expense.
  4. Click the Split button to display the Split Cost Object dialog.

    The cost object you entered displays with 100% and the full amount.
  5. Lower the Percentage for the first cost object from 100% to the appropriate percentage. As you tab out of the field, the system recalculates the amount to match the revised percentage. You may revise the percentage if necessary to make it match a desired dollar amount.
  6. Click + Add Split Expense Line, and an entry row displays.
  7. Enter the next Cost Object and the Percentage to be allocated to it. When you tab out of the percentage field, the system calculates the second cost object’s dollar amount.
  8. Repeat this process until you have entered all splits. The total of all percentages cannot exceed 100%.
  9. Click Save. The system will display the split expense.

Business Justification

This entry is required for all food related receipts. Enter Business Justification text to explain the purpose of the purchase. The text will be stored in SAP.

SAP Transaction

If system automatically attached an SAP Transaction to the receipt, you will see it displayed.
If this is the correct, applicable transaction, you’re all set! If it is not, click Detach to remove it.

If the system did not attach an SAP Transaction to the receipt, you will see this:

Click on Select Cardholder to display a list of cardholders – select the cardholder from this list. Then click + Link to SAP Transaction to displays a list of SAP transactions associated with the cardholder. From this list, select the applicable transaction. (Note: you don’t have to choose a cardholder first and can simply look at the list of transactions.)

If you do not see the applicable transaction, you must save the receipt as a draft and come back at a later date to complete it.

Internal Notes

Internal Notes are not sent to SAP. They are only stored on the ProCard Receipt system. Use these notes to communicate text information to your reviewer and verifier.

Pass Review, Return, Save Draft, Reassign, or Change Verifier

Great! You’ve completed your entry, review, or revision work. Your options display on the right side of the application window. Your options are:

  • Pass Review saves the receipt and sends it to your verifier who will be responsible for approving the receipt. The passed receipt will be listed in your In-Process view.
  • Return allows you to send the receipt back to the cardholder. Use the Internal Comments field to provide a reason why the receipt is being returned. The cardholder will see the receipt in their Open Tasks tab. You will see the receipt in your In Process tab.
  • Save Draft saves the receipt to work on it later. The receipt will be listed in your Open Tasks.
  • Reassign (Reviewer 1 only) allows you to transfer the receipt to another reviewer. When you select this option, a pop-up displays a list of authorized reviewers. Select the desired reviewer from this list. The assigned-to reviewer will see the receipt in their Open Tasks tab. You will see the receipt in your In Process tab.
  • Change Verifier (Reviewer 2 only) allows you to identify a different verifier for the receipt. When you select this option, a pop-up displays a list of authorized verifiers. Select the desired verifier from this list. Once you Pass Review on the receipt, the system will route the receipt to the new verifier’s Open Tasks tab. You will see the receipt in your In Process tab.

Return to PCard Receipt for Reviewers topics page.

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Last Modified:

November 21, 2015

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