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Q: MATLAB (OS X) works fine after the initial install, but then I receive a Matlab License Manager Error -97?


To fix this, carry out the following procedure.
Note: This solution only applies to users using a Standalone MATLAB license on a Mac OSX machine that is set to use DHCP (usually a laptop).

  1. Quit MATLAB completely.
  2. Edit the file /Applications/MATLAB7/etc/ using TextEdit or emacs. (Change /Applications/MATLAB7 to the appropriate directory if MATLAB was installed elsewhere.)
    1. Find the line that contains exactly the following text:


    2. Change the 0 to a 1 and save the changes.
    3. Then, in a terminal window, type this:


      and press Enter
  3. Restart MATLAB.

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Last Modified:

February 02, 2012

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