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How can I configure Pine to save copies of sent messages?

Here are the basic steps to configure MIT's Pine to save outgoing messages in a folder on the mail server:

  1. Launch pine.
  2. Go into Setup (select SETUP or type 'S' from the main screen).
  3. Type 'C' to go to the Config section.
  4. Hit the down arrow 7 times, the line beginning with "default-fcc" should now be highlighted.
  5. Hit Return to edit that config entry.
  6. Enter a name for the saved messages mailbox ("Saved Messages" tends to be the standard) and hit Return. You should see the change reflected on screen.
  7. Exit setup by pressing 'E'. Pine will ask you if you want to "Commit changes". Hit Return or press 'Y' to do so.
  8. Compose a message. When you send it, pine will tell you that the "Saved Messages" folder does not exist, and ask if you want to create it. Press 'Y' or hit return to do so.

That should do it. You should see the folder in your standard folder collection and should be able to browse to it.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 28, 2011

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