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Q: How can I obtain an MIT ID card to release my print jobs?


IS&T issues ID cards to members of the MIT community.

Students (including cross-registered students), faculty, staff, visiting scholars, postdocs, and alumni/ae can obtain a card at no charge.

Contractors, temporary employees, and guests wishing to print to the public printers will need to obtain a "DLC Sponsored" ID card. This process must be initiated by an administrative officer in the department with which you are affiliated. If you're unsure who to contact, please contact the Card Office at They can direct you to a departmental administrative officer who can request a card on your behalf.

Guests whose only affiliation is membership in an ASA-approved student group should contact their group officers about obtaining a card, who can in turn contact the ASA and request a card through the Student Activities Office (SAO). A fee (payable by the student group) may apply.

MIT community members with an MIT Kerberos account can also release jobs using Touchless Printing Release with MobilePrint instead of an ID card.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

July 28, 2023

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