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Q: How do I create a model in ArcGIS that can be run more than once?


ModelBuilder allows you to develop a workflow of commands used for your methodology. This workflow can be saved and shared on different machines and with other users so that a process that would normally comprise multiple steps is collapsed into one tool.

  1. In ArcCatalog, expand the Toolboxes menu, right click on My Toolboxes, and select New > Toolbox to create a new toolbox for your model(s).
  2. Right click on your new toolbox and click New > Model. This will open your new model's window automatically.
  3. Drag the first tool in your workflow from ArcToolbox into your model window. If you don't know the location of a tool, you can use the Search window.
  4. Double click on the tool in your model window to change its parameters. You can create a temporary subfolder to store intermediate outputs from your model if you don't want your work folder to become too cluttered. Clicking OK in a given tool's dialog box doesn't run the tool; rather it saves the parameters in your model.
  5. When selecting input feature classes for a tool, you can choose feature classes that are already in your model by choosing ones that have a blue recycling icon next to them.
  6. To run your model, go to File > Run. The final output won't automatically add to your map, so you have to manually do so.

Note: You can add your toolbox to ArcMap by right clicking on the name ArcToolbox when that window is open and clicking Add Toolbox.

Further Resources:

See Also

Created by MIT GIS Services. Email gishelp(at) for more assistance.


Documentation and information provided by the MIT Community

Last Modified:

August 04, 2020

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