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How do I use conditional statements in Xess?

Xess allows you to use conditional statements using "@IF". Its syntax is:


Returns the value of T if X evaluates to non-zero, or F if X evaluates to zero
X - numeric value
T,F - numeric or string values, cell or range references

For example, to get the following condition:

IF G7<(C7+E7) AND H7<(D7+F7) THEN "YES" ELSE "NO"

Type in an another cell:

=@IF( G7 < C7+E7 && H7 < D7+F7, "YES", "NO")

NOTE: The "@IF" statement should be placed in a cell other than the cells specified within the (...) otherwise the result will be an infinite loop.

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Last Modified:

February 25, 2009

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