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Q: How do I allow somebody to join an authentication required MIT Zoom meeting who cannot authenticate with MIT Touchstone?


Use the "Authentication Exception" feature. This sends an email to participants without MIT Touchstone Authentication capabilities a special link containing an authentication token that will allow them to join the meeting.

Any user who has the special link from the email can join the Zoom meeting without authenticating via MIT Touchstone. Posting the link publicly, sending it to a large email list, or sharing it in any other way may result in undesired participants Zoom bombing or otherwise disrupting your meeting. For more information, see: Limiting Access and Reducing Disruptive Behavior in Zoom


  • This feature is only available when scheduling or editing meetings via the Zoom web portal.
  • This feature is not available when using your personal meeting ID for the meeting. You must use an auto-generated meeting ID.

Add Authentication Exceptions

  1. Login to the MIT Zoom web portal at
  2. Click on the Schedule a meeting button for a new meeting or Edit an exception to an existing meeting.

  3. If a new meeting, enter your meeting details as usual.
  4. Scroll down to the Security settings and check "Require authentication to join"
    Result: The "Authentication Exception" option appears below.

  5. Next to "Authentication Exception, click Add
    Result: The "Authentication Exception" window appears.
  6. Click Add Participant and enter the name and email address of the non-MIT account holding invitee as many times as needed to include all non-MIT attendees for this meeting.
  7. Click Save
    Result: The "Authentication Exception" window closes and you see a list of the invitees you added under "Authentication Exception".
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save to save your changes or to create your meeting.
    Result: Your non-MIT invitees are sent an email with a special link that will allow them to join the zoom meeting without MIT Touchstone Authentication.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 04, 2022

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