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Introduction - Reviewer

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This guide is intended for MIT staff responsible for using the ProCard Receipt Capture application to review cardholder receipt submissions.

Purpose of the ProCard Receipt Capture System

The system allows holders of MIT procurement cards – ProCards - to submit digital copies of their procard receipts. This saves time and paperwork. Once a cardholder enters a receipt in the system, a workflow ensures the receipt is reviewed and verified in a timely manner. Receipt Process Flowchart

What is a Receipt? An Expense? An SAP Transaction?

When you create a receipt in the system, you are:

  1. Attaching a Receipt image to the record
  2. Providing Expense information such as Expense Type, Cost Object, and business justifications.
  3. Linking the record to the SAP Transaction from the bank.

Here, we will call it a ProCard Receipt, or a Receipt for short, but it’s important for you to understand that a receipt has three major components.

Your Role as a ProCard Reviewer1 or Reviewer2

Your two key responsibilities as a reviewer will be to:

  • Be sure that receipts are created, correctly expensed, and linked to SAP transactions before the transactions get swept
    OR, from the other direction…
  • Be sure that SAP transactions are linked to expensed receipts and, if they have not been, make sure the receipts get entered, expensed, and linked up before the sweep deadline.

The system actually allows two slightly different reviewer roles, Reviewer1 and Reviewer2. You will be informed which role you fill when the system is implemented in your area.

Reviewer1 and Reviewer2 Can...

  • Create receipts for yourself as well as on behalf of cardholders within your review area.
  • Review receipts submitted to you for review by cardholders within your area of review.
  • Match the submitted receipts to SAP credit card transactions.
  • Return a receipt to a cardholder, either because they did not attach the correct receipt or because more information is needed from them
  • Approve the receipt and forward to the next person up the review process. Depending on how your area was set up in the system, this could be a Reviewer2 or a Verifier.
  • Reassign a submitted receipt to different first level reviewer.

Additionally, Reviewer 2 Can...

  • See all SAP Transactions outstanding across the organization
  • Reassign a receipt to an alternate verifier.
  • Provide coverage to another Reviewer2 by being able to see what receipts they have open (displayed in their Open Tasks) and being able to process them.
  • Set the status of a transaction to 'Swept Before Approved’.

Return to PCard Receipt for Reviewers topics page.

Reference Guide

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Last Modified:

April 23, 2016

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