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Education History Detail

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at

You can enter or change information on your degree. You can also delete a degree record.

Enter or Change a Degree Record

Note: You do not have to enter all your degrees.

  1. Select the type of degree.
    Note: The Degree field is available after you select the Degree type. Not all degree types require the Degree field.
  2. Select the degree.
  3. Use the Search button to find the school or institution.
    Note: You don't need to enter the school or field of study for a high school degree.
  4. Use the Search button to select the field of study.
  5. Select the completion month.
  6. Select the completion year.
  7. Click Save to save what you entered, or click Return to Overview to cancel your entries and return to the "Education Info: Degree Overview" page.
  8. After saving, click Return to Overview to go back to the "Education Info: Degree Overview" page.

Delete a Degree Record

Click Delete.
Result: You return to the "Education Info: Degree Overview" page.

Reference Guide

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Last Modified:

December 07, 2013

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