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Charitable Contributions

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at

As part of the Atlas 6 release, Community Giving at MIT is now online. See the Charitable Contributions application under About Me in the Money Matters section in Atlas.

About Charitable Contributions

Using the Charitable Contributions application, MIT community members may contribute to the MIT Community Service Fund, United Way of Mass. Bay or a local 501(c)(3) health or human service charity via a payroll deduction or credit card. Users may print a donation form for donations made by check or securities. Users may also request a new charity to be added to the application.

Payroll Deduction Donations

  • Employees may donate to specified charities for a set amount of time or as a sustaining donation, until it is cancelled.
  • Monthly or weekly paid employees can setup payroll deductions for charitable contributions. The donation frequency is respective to the payroll cycle (ex. a monthly employee can donate monthly, a weekly employee can donate weekly).
  • Payroll deductions must be made in whole dollar amounts (example: $25 not $24.50)
  • If your payment frequency changes such as from a monthly employee to a weekly employee, then you should cancel the current donation and create a new one under the new frequency.

Maximum contribution is $999,999 and minimum contribution is $1.

Credit Card Donations

  • The credit card donation option is available to all users, all the time. Students, affiliates, and unpaid employees will see the credit card only screen.

Online credit card donations are processed by CyberSource. Do NOT select the "back" button in your browser during the transaction.

Request to Add Charity

Users can request adding a new charity when making a donation. On the Make a Donation screen, if the charity typed does not appear in the charity list, “Add your desired charity to our list” will appear. Click this link to request a new charity to be added.

The charity will not be added immediately. After requesting a charity to be added, users must wait for the charity to be approved by the Community Giving office before it is available on the Charitable Contributions application. An email will be sent to you when the charity is approved, then your able to donate to the charity you added.

For more information, see Community Giving at MIT, Community Giving FAQs or for questions, please contact:

Community Giving at MIT
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. E38-234
Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone: 617-253-7914

Reference Guide

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Last Modified:

August 19, 2015

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