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Send an email from your address in Gmail

IS&T does not support Gmail in any capacity. The IS&T Service Desk will be unable to answer questions about this function should you have any.
  1. Log in to Gmail.
  2. Click Mail Settings from Gear Icon (Options Menu) and select the Accounts and Import tab.
  3. Under Send mail as, click Add another email address.
  4. Enter your name and email address in the Add another email address you own window. Make sure that Treat as an alias is unchecked.
  5. Select Next Step.
  6. Enter the following information:
    Field Value
    SMTP (mail) Server
    Port 465 (SSL) or 587 (TLS)
    Username Kerberos username (without
    Password Kerberos Password
  7. Click Add Account.
  8. Once you receive a confirmation email message from Gmail at your email address, either click the link in the message or enter the confirmation code in the Accounts section of your Gmail settings.
  9. OPTIONAL: Click on the Make Default link next to your address under Settings > Accounts and Import if desired.

For email accounts, please visit for instructions.


Documentation and information provided by the MIT Community

Last Modified:

February 23, 2024

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  1. Oct 19, 2019

    The instructions on the page about sending mail from Gmail should be updated.

    When I try to follow them using port 587 I see the error

    7/31/17 Instructions above failed with error Couldn't reach server. Worked fine when value left set to 465 which is the default value that auto-fills.

    Also, there is no "add account link". And the explicit heading "add another email address you own"

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