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Windows 10 and 11 - How to connect to MIT SECURE wireless

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You must have MIT root and personal certificates for both methods. See: Certificates Landing Page


  1. Many people will be able to connect by using the Windows built-in menus.  To access the menus in Windows 10 go to the Start menu > Settings > Network & Internet



  2. Select Wi-Fi at the top left.
  3. Make sure Wi-Fi is on and select "MIT SECURE" from the list of wifi networks.
  4. Press Connect.

  5. You may be prompted for a username and password.  If so, enter your Kerberos username and password.
  6. If your computer has not yet encountered the certificate that encrypts the connection, it may ask you to confirm the connection by displaying a link to Show certificate details.
  7. You can verify the certificate fingerprint against the ones listed at MIT SECURE Wireless Certificate Fingerprints.
  8. Click Connect to go on.


Your username password will be authenticated. If successful, you will be connected to MIT SECURE Wi-Fi.

Manual configuration

Some people may need to set up the connection manually:

  1. Open the list of wireless networks.
  2. Right click on the MIT SECURE network and choose "Forget this network". If it is not memorized, you will not have the menu, and can skip this.
  3. Open the Network and Sharing Center. You can reach it by going to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center,
  4. Click Set up a new connection or network.
  5. Click Manually connect to a wireless network.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Fill in the following information for the new network:
    • Network Name: MIT SECURE
    • Security Type: WPA2-Enterprise
    • Encryption Type: AES
  8. Click Next.
    Result: The screen will say Successfully added MIT SECURE.
  9. On the following page, choose to Change connection settings.
  10. Click the Security tab. Network authentication method should be
    Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP).
  11. Click Settings.
  12. Under Trusted Root Certification Authorities, check the box for
    GeoTrust Global CA
    Select Authentication Method should be:
    Secure Password (EAP-MSCHAP v2)
    Click Configure.
  13. Un-check the box labeled "Automatically use my Windows logon...".
    Click OK on all boxes to close out and save the wireless settings.
  14. You should receive a notification asking for additional information. Click this notification anywhere to open the password dialog box.
  15. Enter your MIT Kerberos username and password and click OK.

Note: If this process fails, please try to follow it one more time. Occasionally, IS&T has noticed the Windows wireless configuration utility lose the settings after the first setup.

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

October 19, 2021

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