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Video Recording and Delivery - Edit

Video editing process

MIT Services

The same MIT Services that offer video recording -- MIT Video Productions (MVP) and OCW – also provide editing services. MVP provides a full menu of fee-based options for editing, but OCW only edits videos they will later publish.

Do-It-Yourself Options

The New Media Center (NMC) makes video editing stations available to the MIT community. It is a great resource that provides the tools necessary to produce multimedia projects, such as digital video, photo scanning and manipulation, web authoring, and more. The NMC is a do-it-yourself cluster of 24-inch iMacs loaded with multimedia software.

A wide variety of commercial software is available for video editing:

  • iMovie
    iMovie (Mac only; free with Mac OS X) iMovie is a proprietary video editing software application which allows Mac users to edit their own home movies. It imports video footage to the Mac using either FireWire or by importing files from a hard drive.
  • Windows Movie Maker (free with Windows XP and higher) 
    Windows Movie Maker is a video creating/editing software includes in Microsoft Windows. It contains features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, etc.
  • Final Cut Pro ($) 
    Final Cut Pro is a professional non-linear editing software application, and will only run on Mac computers.
  • Adobe Premier ($) 
    Adobe Premier Pro is a professional-grade, real-time, timeline-based video editing software package. It is part of the Adobe Creative Suite, but can be purchased separately.

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Last Modified:

March 11, 2017

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