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Q: Share Outlook calendar so others can see my personal calendar


To share your calendar with others, "Reviewer" permissions need to be applied to the desired calendar.

  1. In Outlook, click on Calendar in the lower left hand side of the navigation pane and then right-click the desired calendar
  2. Select Change Sharing Permissions.
  3. Click Add and type in the name of the individual you wish to provide review only permissions to.
  4. Click on Add at the bottom of the screen then OK.
  5. Select the individual from the list and then by pulling down the permission level menu, change it to "reviewer".
  6. Click Apply, then OK.

Note: It is important to mark personal appointments and meetings as confidential. Failure to do so will allow those with permissions to see all your meetings and appointments.

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Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

September 14, 2016

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