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Self-Service Vending Machines

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Q: How do I use the Self-Service Vending Machines?

Hold your MIT ID, either MobileID on Atlas (iPhone, Apple Watch, Android) or your plastic MIT ID card, up to the card reader below the keypad and make a product selection. It will drop out the receptacle at the bottom of the machine.

Q: Why can't I obtain a particular item?

Product availability is determined by your role at MIT.

Products available to faculty and current-term lecturers:

  • HDMI Ultra/12 - 12' cable
  • HD 15pin Plug to Plug with Audio 15' Cable
  • USB-C to VGA Multiport Adapter
  • USB-C to Digital AC Multiport Adapter
  • Ultracompact 2.4GHz Dual-Channel Wireless Mic w Lavalier
  • Navigator Presentation Remote Control

Products available to MIT staff and students:

  • 14’ Cat 6 Ethernet cable - black
  • 14’ Cat 6 Ethernet cable - white

Products available to all MIT community members with an active MIT ID:

  • KF94 face mask - medium
  • KF94 face mask - large

Q: Do I have to pay for items?

No, as long as you are in one of the three groups mentioned above, products are provided at no charge.

Q: I am having an issue scanning my ID. Who can help?

Try both your plastic ID and your mobile ID. Then contact the IS&T Service Desk at 617-253-1101

Q: I have a product suggestion for the vending machine, who do I contact?

If you have ideas for products that would be helpful to provide to the MIT community via the vending machines, please send your ideas to

Q: Where can I find more information?

Visit the service overview page at

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 22, 2023

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