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SAPgui Long Text Editor - Using MS Word editor or Text-Based Editor

  • For Windows users, the Microsoft Word editor is now available as the SAPScript Long Text editor in SAPgui.
  • Users can choose whether to use the MS Word editor or to switch to the text-based SAPScript editor.

What will I experience with the MS Word Long Text editor enabled?

  • Using the MS Word Long Text editor within SAPgui will be similar to editing a Word document.
  • You will see an initial prompt to allow SAPgui to create and use a template file:
    template creation

  • Click Allow.
    Result: MS Word editor screen will be displayed.
    Word editor

How can I temporarily switch to the text-based editor?

  • From the Go To menu, select Change Editor
    change editor

  • The Text-based SAPScript editor continues to be available for Long Text edits in SAPgui transactions
    text based editor
  • The editor will revert to the Microsoft Word based editor on your next login to SAPgui.

How can I permanently switch to the text-based editor?

  1. From the Go To menu, select Configure Editor.
    configure editor

  2. Uncheck the box for Graphical PC editor.
    deselect graphical pc editor

What if I am seeing special characters in Atlas after copy and paste from a formatted document?

For users who copy and paste from a formatted document, such as an Excel spreadsheet or a table in Microsoft Word, the text may display normally within the MS Word editor in SAPgui, but when the document is displayed in Atlas or by an SAPgui user with the Text-based editor, special characters may be displayed.
If you experience this issue, options include:

  1. Switch to the Text-based editor, either temporarily or permanently. See above for instructions.
  2. Copy to a text editor before pasting into SAPgui.
    • After copying the text from your formatted document, paste it into a text editor such as Notepad.
    • Then copy from Notepad and paste into the Long text field in SAPgui.

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

April 22, 2017

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