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Panopto Landing Page

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Panopto is a secure enterprise-wide video platform which allows anyone with an active MIT Touchstone account to record, livestream, host, share, and search videos. It supports viewing on nearly any internet-connected device and is integrated into MIT's Canvas learning management system. Panopto is also integrated with Zoom, enabling automatic uploads of your Zoom cloud recordings to your Panopto account.

Panopto provides MIT community members with:

  • Unlimited video storage
  • Recording, importing, and editing of video content
  • Captioning of video content
  • Integration with Canvas and Zoom
  • Automated video recording and integration with video room and capture systems
  • Unlimited viewing by authenticated members of the MIT community of hosted video content

For more information, see Panopto's overview webinar of features and use cases.

How to Obtain

Visit one of the following pages and authenticate via Touchstone:

How to Use

Using Panopto with Zoom

The Panopto/Zoom integration automatically uploads your Zoom recordings to Panopto after your meeting ends, where you can use Panopto’s editing and sharing features. This feature applies to recordings that are saved to the cloud or meetings that have been scheduled through the Canvas LTI.

How to View Your Auto-Uploaded Recordings on Panopto


  • Login to Panopto's web interface (see above) to activate your account.
  • Review and set your Panopto account preferences by clicking on your name > user preferences.
  • If you are using Zoom in Canvas, under "Zoom Recording Import Settings", ensure you set up a folder and meeting ID as desired. More information here.

View Zoom Recordings in Panopto

  1. Make a recording in Zoom. Previous recordings from before you activated your account will not auto-upload to Panopto.
  2. Click Browse, and then click the folder for your class or the folder you specified for your other recordings.
  3. To play the recording directly on your Panopto site, click the recording file.

Fore more, see: Zoom and Panopto

Troubleshooting and FAQs

  • Should I see a license agreement the first time I login with MIT Touchstone?
    Yes, Panopto requires all users to agree to their license terms.
  • How do I restore archived recordings?
    Panopto auto-archives content after 13 months of inactivity. Instructions for restoring these recordings can be found here
  • Does deleting from Zoom cloud or Panopto also delete the file from the other?
    No, your file will remain in the other system.
  • Why can't I share a folder with somebody at MIT? I know I'm typing their username/name correctly, but they don't show up in the list of users and their email turns red (invalid) when I enter it.

    Only users who have activated their MIT Panopto account show up in the list of users for sharing folders. Ask the person you want to share with to login at Once they do, you'll be able to share folders with them.
  • Why are people not getting email notifications from Panopto when files were shared with them?
    Check the junk/spam email folder. Sometimes spam filtering causes Panopto messages to be falsely identified as junk email. Adding a personalized message to the sharing notification can help reduce the chances your notification will be falsely identified as junk/spam email.

See Also

Have Questions or Still Need Help?

Panopto provides 24/7 end user support as part of MIT's Enterprise license. Users can contact them directly by:

Additional escalation information for Help Staff can be found here:
  • [hd:Canvas Recon]

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

June 15, 2023

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