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MIT Kerberos for Windows 4.x - Getting Kerberos Tickets

You will need to get Tickets (called Kerberos credentials in previous versions of KfW) before you can use applications requiring Kerberos authentication. The MIT installation of KfW 4.x is pre-configured with ATHENA.MIT.EDU as the default Kerberos realm. 

Please note:  The screenshots below are from Windows 7, however the same steps will also apply to Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10. There will just be cosmetic differences in the actual screens displayed.

  • When you start or restart your Windows system, the KfW Initialize Ticket window should open by default and you can get Kerberos credentials at that time, so they are ready and waiting when you go to a Kerberized application.

    Initialize ticket window

  • If you open a Kerberized application and do not have credentials, the Initialize Ticket window should open automatically (although it may be hidden behind the application window).

  • To initiate getting credentials, follow the steps below. 

  1. Right-click on the MIT Kerberos (called "Leash" or "Network Identity Manager" in previous KfW versions) icon in the Notifications tray at the bottom-right of the Windows Taskbar. Or, go to Start > All Programs > Kerberos for Windows > MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager.

  2. Click the icon "Get Ticket".

    Result: The Initialize Ticket window should appear.

    Initialize ticket window

  3. Enter your Kerberos User Name and @ (for example "kerberosname@") The realm "ATHENA.MIT.EDU" will automatically populate.
    Note: "Remember this Principal" check box allows the user to type the first letter of the user name in future sessions to expedite acquiring tickets. To forget stored user names click the "Clear History" button.

    Initialize Ticket Window with Realm of ATHENA.MIT.EDU pre-populated

  4. Enter your Kerberos password and click OK.
    Result: A ticket is acquired, the Initialize Ticket window closes. The KfW Icon in the Notifications Tray is now green.

    KfW Green Notification Icon

    Note: Default settings include a ticket lifetime of 10 hours, tickets can be renewed, and have a renewable lifetime of 6 days and 21 hours.

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Last Modified:

November 09, 2020

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