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Full Diagnostics for Lenovo Laptops

To run Lenovo hardware diagnostics:

  • Completely shut down the machine.
  • Press the power button to turn on the machine and continually press F12 multiple times until the boot menu appears (2-3 presses of F12 per second is a good pace).
  • Press TAB to change menus and select Lenovo diagnostics
  • From the diagnostics window you can select individual tests to run, or run the full suite of tests. Please note the full diagnostics can take a few hours to complete as it goes through in-depth testing.
  • Within Lenovo diagnostics, the mouse may not work and you will need to use the arrow keys, tab, enter/escape, or other keys indicated at the bottom on the screen.

If you are having trouble getting into the boot menu and the machine continues to just boot into Windows:

  • Within Windows, before clicking "Shut Down" press and hold the Left Shift key and continue to hold it until the computer is completely off. This will temporarily disable the fastboot feature to allow booting into the diagnostics.

Please note the Lenovo hardware diagnostics can take a few hours to complete and you should make sure the computer is not needed during this time as it will not be usable.

Return to Hardware Diagnostics Overview

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Last Modified:

June 24, 2020

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