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Delete MIT Personal Certificates for Safari or Chrome on Mac OS X

Warning: If you have used S/MIME for email encryption, you should export certificates in order to retain a backup copy, before deleting them from the browser.
[How can I tell if I've used S/MIME for email encryption?].
  1. Navigate, in Finder, to Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access.
    Double-click to open Keychain Access.

    Utilities window

  2. Select the login keychain, and then select My Certificates from the list in the lower pane.
    If you do not have a list in the lower pane, with All Items, Certificates, Passwords..., press the button in the bottom left of the Keychain Access window. Your window should look like the image below:

    Keychain Access window

  3. Highlight all certificates.

  4. Follow the menu path Edit > Delete, or press the delete key on your keyboard.
    Result: A popup windows prompts to confirm deletion of the certificate. Click Delete.

    Confirmation window

  5. Select "All Items" from the Category list in the lower left-hand page. Click "Kind" to sort the certificate items by their type
  6. Select everything that has the type "identity preference" and Delete them.

    Sorted Category list

  7. Type "MIT Certification" into the search box in the upper right hand corner.
  8. Highlight the MIT Certification Authority certificate and Delete it.

    MIT CA highlighted

See Also

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

August 03, 2020

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