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Configuring Outlook for MacOS to send from a moira list

Office 365 Mail Server.
You must be using an On-Premises Exchange 2013 account. To know what type of account you have, you can reach out at

Configuration within Outlook for MacOS

  1. Within Outlook, navigate to to Outlook > Preferences > Accounts
  2. Press the "+" button in the bottom left corner of the window and select "New Account"
  3. In the popup, enter the name of the list you are trying to send mail as. So, <listname>
  4. A Touchstone window should pop up. close it! Then, select "Not Office365?" and choose IMAP/POP
  5. For the next pop-up, change the information accordingly
    • Type: "IMAP"
    • Email address: <listname>
    • Username: <Kerberos>
    • Password: <Kerberos password>
    • Incoming server:
    • Outgoing server:
  6. Press enter, then select "Done"
  7. Open up Outlook > Preferences > Accounts again and select the list that you just added, which should show up as <listname>
  8. Under server information, make sure the information is as follows:
    • User name: <Kerberos>
    • Password: <Kerberos password>
    • Incoming server:
      • Select the "override default port" option, and change the port to 993.
    • Outgoing server:
      • Select the "override default port" option, and change the port to 465.
  9. Once the above all looks good, select "More Options..."
  10. Switch the authentication method to "User Name and Password"
  11. Make sure the information is as follows
    • User Name: <Kerberos>
    • Password: <Kerberos password>
  12. Press "OK"
  13. Restart outlook. Then go to Outlook > Preferences > Accounts.
  14. Select the list that you just added, which should show up as <listname>
  15. Under server information, make the following change
    • Incoming server:
      (this is invalid, but we need something here because Outlook does not allow you to proceed with this field left blank).

Sending from the moira list

  1. Open a new draft email.
  2. Look at the "From" row, you should now see an option to choose what email your mail will send from. If the above was accomplished correctly, you should be able to select <listname>
  3. Type up an email.
  4. Send!

[Click here] for directions on sending from a mailing list using Apple Mail

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

November 08, 2022

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